Hypothetical gang attack...


New member
Okay - You're three yards away from four guys, each of 'em outweighing you somewhere in the area of 100 pounds... And they're rapidly closing with you, with the intent of doing great bodily harm.

What do you do?
Well, hopefully I would never find myself in this situation as I would keep away from these types of scenarios.

However if it did happen I would tell them to stop immediately as I was backpedaling. If they kept coming I would draw and repeat the order to stop. If they made a run at me I would shoot each target that presented a threat once - followed by a followup if they still presented a possible threat. Call the Police next and keep weapon at ready until they arrive.
The scenario is kinda ambiguous, but given the posted "situation," if I were being rapidly approached by four dudes with stated evil intentions; I'm out weighed by 100 pounds each; and given that I'm too old to get into "wrestling matches" with young thugs who would tear me to ribbons, and given that nine feet leaves virtually NO possibility of escape, I'd pull my Colt's Lightweight Commander and unless there was an INSTANT!!!!!! turning and running of the cowardly mutants, I'd shoot the nearest one in the chest, then the next, then the next, and if the fourth hadn't decided by then to take up a different profession, I'd drill that SOB in the head.

I've seen the results, far too many times, of innocent men and women who were either murdered, or beaten, stabbed, clubbed, nearly to death, their lives and health competely destroyed, for me to EVER put up with "negotiating" with some rotten pieces of dog feces on the bootheel of humanity.

Heh, heh...

You guys are all funny...

I'd either hand off to Faulk, or throw to Bruce...

100 lbs more than me?

Each would way right around 390 lbs....

I have a bad knee, so I don't run too well either.

Guess I would probably do a run that would make them change directions a lot and maybe some stairs.

Of course, most likely the weapon would immediately be drawn.

If they are saying "we're gonna beat you" I'd shoot em. In
HOUSTON TX that is good enough to be in fear of your life.

Hey we like to eat here in Houston...y'all get over it.
Bogie - ROTF, LMAO!!!

Jay Baker - as for a straight up answer, I couldn't come up with anything better than yours.

You probably just passed an all you can eat buffet, fat boys music videos come to mind. And now you are between them and their food.

At that distance pull and shoot, backpedal if you can but you messed up big time.
Hey, after watching the game I've got it - ya just step back and spike the ball on the ground! All them big dudes just plain stop when you do that...
I'd tell them I'll give them $500 to leave me alone while I'm reaching for my wallet, while I've got their minds off of beating me for that split second I'd bypass the wallet and pull my browning. after putting a couple of rounds into the first one, the second he hits the ground I'd run through the opening and do an about-face and ready my spare mag, "I've got 24 more bullets, first one to take another step dies"
Whether they outweighed me or not, if there were more than 2 people trying to assault me armed or not, that would give my justifiable reason to shoot in self defense.I would probably turn and run away unless they were stopping me from getting to my vehicle.
Take a deep breath and draw my fencing epee in right hand, lockblade knife in left. The epee is only good for parrying because it's not sharp, but I'm fairly good with it.

If they have guns, I run like hell.
Yeah, but just imagine what the zebra will do to you after you do that? Can you say "unsportsmanline conduct?" Wonder how many yards the penalty would be...