Hwrang do?...


New member
Im not sure how this is spelled or even sure of the pronunciation, I believe its ha rang do...........No disrepect is intended.

Since there seems to be a wealth of knowledge on this board i would like anyone who can to comment on the Karate itself. Has anyone studied it.....or have any knowledge of it?...thanks..fubsy.
On the buildings, they spell it "Hwa Rang Do."
My understanding is that is a Korean style of martial arts using some of the older techniques of aikido type wrist throws and basic karate type hand strikes.
I have not visited a HwaRangDo dojo, but I'll try and drop by and pick up some literature from one of the local schools.
I'll post what it says.
Good luck in your search.
That was quick.....


It has been 20yrs or so and what I remember it was not that basic, but the memory does strange things......... If its out of your way dont feel obligated, Ill try to find it on the web...I was hoping someone here might have had hands on experience......personally Ill stick with isshinryu, I wanted to rearch some aspects that I think I recall...tks, fubsy.
Hwa Rang Do is purportedly a Korean martial art. However, its origin is Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu.

"Blackbelt" magazine has run a three-part interview with the "founder" of Hwa Rang Do and, in it, he admits that the techniques are drawn from his training in Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu and Kodokan Judo (which has been documented) and Korean techniques from a "monk in the mountains" (completely undocumented and unsubstantiated). Such is the case with Hapkido as well.

Technique-wise, it is a combination of Aiki-Jujutsu and Judo throwing techniques with some Tae Kwon Do styles kicks and punches.

Some practitioners of this system often make the claim that this was the fighting system practiced by Hwa Rang warriors of medieval Korea (models for the Japanese Samurai). This is an utter nonsense. No one alive knows what the Hwa Rang practiced, because there has been nothing left of them for hundreds of years. In all probability, Hwa Rang mainly trained in horsemanship, spear fighting, sword fighting and archery. What little unarmed training they had was probably based on Chinese systems (based on documentary evidence).

Hope that helps.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
Skorzeny, lol...once again you come through...tks that is the clarification I needed. I had heard of the Sila connection many years ago and at one time had a book written by Lee, jo bang the Grandmaster of hwa rang do---I had also recently reread old notes I had made a while back concerning blade work and that style was just curious....tks alot ...fubsy...
I am here to serve... (and to punch holes in myths).


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
so am i ... i'm part korean and i wouldn't have put it so succintly or bluntly ... just goes to show that knowledge has no boundaries of race or anything else save dedication (i think someone in TFL should be reminded of this *hint hint*) :p
Skorzeny already did a great job on explaining Hwa Rang Do.

If you want a whole bunch of info on Hwa Rang Do go to www.hwarangdo.com/index2.htm
it has the article from Black Belt Magazine on there.

Daw gone it... "A day late and a dollar short agin'"...Dragontooth already mentioned it on an earlier post.

But this site has everything on history, the founder, principles, merchandise, stories, etc...really it does...(whine) (plead)

Good reading if you have the time, Fubsy.