Husband killed in gun battle saving wife & children

When will acts like this make the mainstream press? What a valiant final act. Godspeed, Jason Nealy.
Hello. God bless the family of this good MAN who did what he had to in order to save his family. It is tragic that he was lost, but what man wouldn't give his life to protect his wife and/or children? May he truly rest in peace. Best.
yes it is tragic that this brave man did not survive.this happened in a section of birmingham,alabama that is just a few blocks from where i attended high school.he laid down his life for those he loved.enough said.



Thank you for passing this story on. This is the first I've heard of it.

Amazing how stories like this don't make the real headlines. So sad and indicative of the twisted society we call civilization that these things get swept under the carpet.

My heart goes out to this mans wife and children. My heart rejoices that the trash that invaded that home got what they deserved. May we all count our blessings and keep both eyes open at all times.

Gods care to you all.

Y'know, whenever a firefighter pulls several children from an inferno, and goes in to get the last child, but never comes out alive-
it's all over the headlines, and sometimes even makes CNN, Time, Newsweek etc.

This man (or woman) is widely praised as the hero he is. And rightly so.
Banks and grocery stores set up "round-up your bill" programs as a fund for the fallens hero's own children.
He gets as plaque on the wall of City Hall.
Each year at the Memorial Day ceremony his name is intoned and a wreath is thrown into the river in his memory.
The community honors the fallen for the heroic action and holds this memory as a personal level of morality that is to be respected and aspired to.

Why is a man fighting assailants for the lives of his family, and dying from a gunshot wound any less heroic?

Explain to me how that makes sense Clinton.

This story deserves to be told far and wide by the media, but it never will be. It doesn't fit in with their "round up the guns" mentality.

However, polive officers gunning down bad guys DOES fit the bill, even when the cop dies. That's because it shows the public that "the government WILL protect you", and that is, once again, a part of their anti-gun agenda.

Mr. Nealy is a REAL man. He deserves to be honored as such by everyone who knows the story. If the local's won't render him the same treatment as they would a fallen police officer or fireman, then how's about we TFL'ers pull something together?
Thank you Frank the Spank for the url to this moving story. I wonder why my local paper, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, did not publish it. I think we all know depicts a private citizen using a gun to protect his family! I sent the Birmingham News a "thank you" email note.
Greetings To All; Please don't let Mr. Nealy
die in vain. Anyone who still has this the
Birmingham Post Hearld write up; please
forward it to the NRA for publication in
The American Rifleman magazine.

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member