Hurry, Vote and Help Texas out

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Texas is in the process of expanding the Castle Doctrine to private automobiles.
The new law will allow car carry without the driver having a CCW.

go vote before the poll closes
Should drivers be allowed to carry a concealed handgun in
their vehicle without a license?

poll is 1/3 the way down the page
And do yourself a favor and read some of the comments. One "wild west" post after another.

Colorado has had this law since 2003. No Wild West here! No changes at all! Just a few people made capable of defending themselves.

How do we get people to STOP repeating the same arguments that have been factually proven wrong repeatedly?

feedback to poll

Ever thought this law may increase carjackings and crime? With a concealed weapon in the car, a person just might use it to acquire a better vehicle in a parking lot.

I don't think legislature thought about road rage. This is just too easy. I would be scare to blow my horn at someone cutting in too close to me on the road. They just might be mad and decide to blow my head off

As an NRA member, I am surprised at the reasoning behind this law. Honestly, do you think people are responsible enough to carry a firearm in their vehicles? When this doesn't work out, Democrats are going to jump all over this and enforce their ignorant gun control laws. This might hurt the CHL owners in the state.

This law is nuts! Back to the wild west! Road rage will reach new heights o*******er with people shooting it out in traffic and innocent bystanders getting caught in the crossfire. Just nuts!

Do not think anyone should be allowed to carry handguns other than law enforcement officers.

I don't even think anyone not in law enforcement should be allowed to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon much less this insanity. My feelings of safety went way down when concealed gun permits thanks to George Bush started being issued. I am more concerned about someone carrying a gun in their car getting angry because they perceive some slight from another driver & then decide to resolve things with the gun than I am about a carjacker. Carrying a gun in my car would just provide a weapon to the bad guy who might accost me. This whole idea is ridiculous!

This went into effect september 1 2007 and is suplimented by house bill 1815 effective the same day that allows you legal transport of the firearm from your home to your car.
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