Hunting trip--when you're the deer!


Years back three of us went hunting for deer. We had a deal with the local butcher that whatever we brought back to his shop, he would butcher and keep about a third of it and we could have the rest as burger meat or venison steaks.
It was a good deal for us as we were all in college then and on a tight budget.

We got out early into the fields. One of the guys made a blind by a fallen tree and the other two of us figured we'd herd any deer towards him.

We were several hundred yards away from the blind when we heard a rifle shot from several kliks away. It was quickly followed by two more. We didn't hear any more then all of a sudden, we heard three rapid shots from our friend's location.

We quickly made our way back and hailed him. He said that someone had fired on him and that he had been hit. As we got to the blind, we received several incoming rounds, but we couldn't tell where it was coming from.

We rendered first aid---found our friend had been hit by splinters of the tree caused by the bullets hitting the tree and sending splinters into him. After applying compresses, we jury rigged a stretcher and got him the heck out of there to the local hospital.

What could we have done to avoid this situation. Our buddy that got it was wearing a bright orange vest...does not blend in with the foliage at all.

At first we thought they made it an even playing field...handed out firearms to the deer and the deer were shooting back. :D :D
It makes me think, if there are dumb ppl like that out in the woods (lower population density and all that) then think of the extraordinary concentration of nutjobs in the towns and cities most of us live in. Sobering.

Glad your friend didn't get anything more than splinters, braddah senpai. What could the deer have been using anyways ... no fingers ... M6 Scout rifles? :confused:
I suspect that there are occasionally a few PETA folks who take to the woods in search of hunters... Sick.
More than one "tragic hunting accident" has possibly not been an accident...

Been messin' around with some guy's old lady? Got the best of somebody in a business deal? The Cluebat sez, "Don't go deer huntin' with him."

You know, I remember seeing a special a while back about PETA folks going out on state authorized hunts where the hunter submits his name and it's like a Lotto drawing and he gets his name picked and he is given a day and time to go and hunt his quota.

The trouble was that these crazy PETA people stalked him and actually pulled his support hand just before he was about to pull the trigger. Then they distracted him with their placards and other tactics.

I mean serious, folks, if you were tracking an animal that might fight back, plus the hunter has a loaded weapon...wouldn't you just kind of leave them alone?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Art Eatman:
More than one "tragic hunting accident" has possibly not been an accident.../B][/quote]

A few years ago police caught a serial killer who had been killing hunters in a midwestern state (Ohio?) for several years. He had no relationship with his victims. Apparently, he just liked to kill people. And during hunting season, no one is surprised to see someone out and about with a rifle.

Well, I'm not paranoid, but when I go out by myself to play benchrest, I tend to take along my highly inaccurate AK variant. I figure it shoots minute of goblin at 100 yards, and with 40 rounds of mixed solid and soft tip in that big curvy mag, it makes me feel considerably more confident as I wander downrange to change the targets...