Hunting survival gear

bill k

New member
Deer season is only six months away and I'm getting ready to go. I'm reorganizing my day pack and looking for ideas of what I might overlook. There was an excellent article in "Hunting" a month or so ago that suggested items to include in your pack. Since my filing system sucks, I can't find it.
What does everyone put in their day pack in case something bad happens, i.e. you get lost or hurt and have to spend the night.
This is generally what I carry, not exact, but it hits the main staples: Small flashlight, knife, extra food, water, some kind of communications device (cell phone, VHF or FM radio, etc.), bic lighter, waterproof matches, some light weight extra clothing (if it's cold), GPS (not all the time), a piece of heavy plastic (to make a shelter if necessary), rope, fire starting material, about 10 paper towels (doubles as toilet paper), leatherman, spare ammo, compass, spare gloves, small first aid kit.

Sometimes there's other stuff too, depending on the situation. If I know I'm going to have to pack an animal, I'll cary my homemade collapsible pack frame, additional rope, plastic trash bags or meat bags, and a small bone saw.

If I think there's even a remote chance of an overnight bivouac (sp?), I carry a lightweight fleece blanket.

I'm probably forgetting some things as well.
Biggest thing (IMHO) is to have someone at the camp or at home know where your going and when you'll return. Back before cell phones, buddy and I walked a loooong ways to a phone to call another buddy to come get us when our truck got stuck.

I've been places here (recently) where cell phones don't work. :)
my pack includes

knives- several sizes and degrees of quality (nice home built knife, gerber gator, 12 dollar knife i use to skin.)
GPS- dad won it and had no use for it so now its mine
Habitat certificate
spare ammo

that about has it i always know that ill make it home even if i have to walk because i hardly have to go anywhere to get to deer.
I would add:
Rain gear (doubles as windbreaker).
A milsurp poncho and liner.
Magnesium firestarter.
Spare socks.
ACR Firefly strobe beacon.
I carry:
Survival blanket
Snake bite kit- compression bandages
wound dressings
Walkie Talkie
A muesli bar
Surveyors tape to mark trail with
Spare batteries (walkie talkie / GPS /Torch take AA- I find it easier to standardise.
Spare ammo
Sun hat
Some tinder for fire lighting in emergency
Since I am not hunting to far from my home or civilization. I don't carry that much. Extra ammo, a .357 mag handgun, a good knife, compass, lighter and my cell phone.
The place where I hunt is sufficiently rural that I wouldn't be appreciably less "out in the boonies" if I just hunted off the porch rather than walking out to my stand. Since I'm only about 10 minutes walk from the house, I don't carry much out with me. Of course, that didn't stop me from being a stubborn doofus who wouldn't come in out of the cold a few years ago. If anybody ever tells you that frostbite and hypothermia are fun, he is a liar.
Michigan national forrest in November:


tin foil - wrap around base of candle and make a wind break / reflector for the flame. Also doubles as a reflective signal during daylight.

2nd compass

1/4" rope

hand warmers

large garbage bag for emergency rain poncho or shelter

soup can for melting snow with candle - eating 32 degree snow removes 144 times more body heat than drinking 32 degree water.

magnesium fire starter and/or birch bark for kindling - lights easy and burns hot

folding pocket tree saw

Strike anywhere matches in waterproof container (I keep a butane lighter in my inner pocket, because they don't work when cold).

2 small flashlights and extra batteries

4 plastic bags for emergency foot heat. Place bags on feet and put boots back on. Creates vapor barrier and air pocket. Place items that need to stay dry in them.

Extra pair of wool gloves

toilet paper
The lists here are all good. There's another way to look at it--what will kill you in the wilds?

Hypothermia is the main killer. Have a way to stay warm and dry. Space blanket, pocho/rain gear, fire starting materials. If you can stay warm and dry, you can survive for a coupla days, at least.

Thirst is the second killer. Have a way to carry and purify water, and know how to get it.

Hunger is the next killer. You can't carry enough food to last long, so that's more a "how d you recognize/trap/prepare what's available in your area. I hear locusts can be prepared so they taste like shrimp. :eek:

Communication/signaling is last.

Most of the lists address all these needs. But if you can address these 4 principles, I believe you are in good shape.
To add to your food list... pine cones are high in vitamin C, though I've not tried one. Cattail roots can be dug and eaten, supposed to be similar to potatoes. Willow bark has "natural asprin".