Hunting/shooting with new eye glasses


New member
Okay, I am 46 and it was time to do something about the peepers. Let me also say that I have never had to wear glasses until now and it's a whole different world. This weekend, I did some targeting shooting with the new specs and my S&W 44 mag (I deer hunt with it). It was not my best shooting performance and now I am really concerned about glare in the field, fogging and just the general pain in the neck that I perceive eye glasses to be. I still have very good distance sight but the glasses correct my up close vision. I know that I am on a slippery slope as far as the "hunting section" but, I really am wondering what I should know about being a four eyed hunter?????



Stories......success or failure....
i wear glasses, I have chosen a pilot type frame just to get the biggest field of view, especially essential for shotgun hunting/trap shooting.

I guess I wore lenses before alot but I have had glasses since I was like 10 years old, no problems that I know of atleast.

sure rain, mud on the glasses-lenses but hasn't hindered me. most often wear a trucker-cap when hunting

was walking up on a pig that was thrashing about after being shot, and he rose when I tried to pin him with my knee and I lost my glasses, but my dog held him again until I could put him away with the knife
I, too, have worn glasses since 5th grade. The biggest problem I've had is fogging, especialy in cold weather. Sitting in a PA deer stand at 20 degrees and trying to get that scarf juuuust right is a real pain - even 50 years later. You might try putting something like Rainx on them, but check to see if it'll screw up the lenses first
You will get used to them.......faster the more you use them.

One thing I've learned to LOVE is no longer do I get poked in the eye while finding the stand in the dark......really, really, really like that!!
I don't wear corrective lenses, but i have to wear safety glasses at work, outside. Two suggestions that have helped me deal with 72 inches of rain a year for 19 years.

Wear a full brim hat. It keeps rain off the glasses. Doesn't matter what style, but water resistive will be a bonus. I wear a leather hat with a 4 inch brim while hunting in rain. I treat it with Snow Seal or mink oil. Snow Seal works better, mink oil is easier to apply.

Wear your glasses as far from your face as is possible, air flow helps stop fogging. If your frames have a nose piece that elevates the frames and creates a gap at the bridge of your nose that helps also.
"I still have very good distance sight but the glasses correct my up close vision."

Your eyeglass prescription is what is commonly called "reading glasses". I went through the same thing starting some 15 years ago. I was fortunate to have a great opthalmologist at the time who told me "don't get prescription glasses until you absolutely have to." He told me to get 'dime store' readers in the lowest magnification that would work for me.

If your glasses are only for near vision (provided you can see your handgun sights well without the glasses) DON'T USE THEM FOR SHOOTING. The near vision correction will mess up your distance vision and fuzz your target considerably.

When you reach the day (as I did last year) when you need bifocals it gets real interesting:eek: There are some places that will make your bifocal with the close vision prescription in the top of your glasses just for shooting.

It is a challenge and you will get used to the glasses but imho if you don't need them to see your sights clearly, don't use them for shooting or hunting:)
I've worn classes since the 3rd grade. I like being able to read my watch and understand the blurs on the tv when the Braves are playing.

I got a pair of glasses that are the "aviator" style, my girlfriend and sister call them my old man glasses, that have the shattered resistant poly- whatever lenses in them that I wear when shooting.

They have a big field of view, have a bar that I can attach some el cheapo clip-ons to, and serve as my safety classes.

A board brim hat is a must, not so much for rain in my neck of the woods, but to keep down glare.

Also, I have mixed results with the stuff that SCUBA drivers put in thier goggles to prevent them from fogging up when I wear my turkey mask.

I also have some hideous brown plastic classes the Army issued me whose sole redeeming feature is that I can wear them under a gas mask.
Welcome to the club!

If your prescription is good, you will be shocked by how much easier it is to see stuff, and your shooting will improve. And, indeed, when you get them made, have the lenses made of shatterproof glass for extra eye protection. Talk to your lens maker about the pros and cons of the various sorts. In the field, well, you should be wearing high vis head gear or protection from the sun, which will keep moisture off the lens.

You need to have something to clean the lens in the field. I have a nice shamagh that I got overseas which is lovely soft cloth and ideal to keep clean.

Finally, always, always, have a spare set in your vehicle. If you bust or loose your specs, you are in trouble.

Hope this helps.
After several years putting up with fogging, rain drops, etc, I went to contacts. Distance corrected, cheap drugstore cheaters for up close work. Will never go back to lenses. Really so much better.
Put a red dot on the gun. It will get rid of all your problems. You'll shoot better than you ever did. Even before you needed glasses.