Hunting Scrapes


I have been searching for scrapes for weeks now and have found none. I know the bucks come through because I have found several rubs on small trees and brush. I have been here for three seasons now and have never found a scrape. On adjoining properties I have seen them. Is there some reason a buck will not scrape in a specific area. Has any one seen this before.
Deer use landmarks to navigate through the woods just like we do. The easiest to find are the bucks that follow power line, roads, clear cuts or fields. The deer that follow more rough terrain are a bit more difficult, but they use old trails and visual landmarks just the same. Also, deer for the most part, move linearly, not circular. If you find one rub, think of where the food supply is. You can almost draw a straight line from that food supply to that rub and you will find a pattern of movement and more rubs. Setup your stand according to the wind direction. Lastly, deer move down slope in the morning, up slope in the evening. Find place were the deer can move without hitting the sunlight. Northern facing forest are best, western face in the morning, eastern face in the evening. Think stealth!

Breeding scrapes are most often found on perimeters and travel paths, seldom in the interior areas, HOWEVER, they do whatever they want, wherever they want so there are no solid rules.
Deer demographics (sounds intelligent, eh?) will also affect the number of scrapes. One very dominant buck has little need to 'advertise' his presence. A more numerous buck population means more competition and more 'advertising' in my experience.
I hunted a trophy buck 2 years in a row (never got him) who made very few scrapes.
Last year some smaller bucks had scrapes all around 3 sides of my hayfield.
Robert is also giving you good advice. I find it helps me to copy a platte map of the area and ID food plots, water, staging and bedding areas.