hunting school


New member
I am betting that most of you learned to hunt from your fathers, uncles, grandfathers (and maybe mothers, aunts and grandmothers). But that you learned hunting from someone who knew how to spot, say, deer bedding in a sea of scrub brush and forest and who knew to teach you where to go, what to do, etc.

The hubster and I are, for the most part, do-it-yourselfers. Hubster got several years of some coaching from the guy who runs but that was specific to the Texas Hill Country. We were just ruminating this evening that while it would be fun to get to go on a guided hunt (and you probably learn from guides if they're the sort who want to share what they know) what is really needed for us babes in the woods (literally!) is "hunting school". Something where guides, or ranch owners, or somebody, would literally take a group out and teach them how to hunt.

IS there any such critter? Or are folks just on their own to find somebody who is experienced and willing to take them out on their ranch/ lease/ whatever?

Just wondering.

Springmom, laid up with the hip anyway this weekend, but looking forward to getting back out there....!

I dont know of any "hunting schools" maybe try a hunters ed course ?? I learnt more in my hunters ed course then I learn reading about guns and hunter for years in thouse 4 days my instructor was great :D

Now as for tips from me I cant give you any seeing as this is my first deer season and I still havnt got myself a deer :( But I can pass on some advice from hunters I know.

1) Read all you can about everything and not just from the area your going to be hunting in but other areas as well.

2) No matter what you read or are told that works for X person in the same general area it might not work for you.

3) Deer/animals even in only a couple of hours drive away can act totally different to different lures and trying to get them. So always try new things till something works.

And with thouse 3 points the best hunter I know (he is teaching me to hunt actually) hunts. He even smokes while deer hunting and he still gets more deer and moose then the rest of the hunters in our little group combined! :eek:

Hunting course

As a Hunter Education Instructor I can tell you this; I went out with family members in my early teen years and quickly learned the wrong way of doing things. Then I started reading and haven't stopped since!
Soon I learned from reading the do and don'ts. Couple this with actually going out and making mistakes, learning from them and making more, you gain experience. It's paying attention to the little things you do that can make all the difference.
You have already started down that path with your expirience of the low brisket shot. Now you can keep adding to that experience. Experienced hunters can greatly help with the learning curve, be careful of what you hear. I know guys that brag about the big bucks they shot but they do it at night or while trespassing. If it don't pass the smell test then it probably is just that.
There seems to be a wealth of information just on this site. You may find someone from TX that will help your hubby and you with that learning curve.
There are guide schools that you can go to. Most of these are about horsemanship/packing/camps than about the actual hunting.