Hunting question...


New member
What are the bright orange/red vests hunters wear for? My only guess is that other hunters would see them and know they are there, but if so then why bother wearing camo? Please awnser somebody. Thanks.
blaze orage..

supposidely animals only see in gray tones, balze appears light.
cammo just breaks the silhoute
For Safety

The international orange vests, coats, hats, etc are for visibility, to be seen by other hunters during rifle, shotgun, and muzzleloader seasons (in most states you're not required to wear orange during bow season, but most states DO require hunters to wear orange during firearms seasons for small and large game. Waterfowl hunting is sometimes excluded from this requirement.

When you're hunting deer, you can spot the orange a LONG way off, and hopefully prevent other hunters from shooting too near your direction, and vice versa.

Hope this helps.

Deer and most other game see very differently from us. They have less color receptors in their eyes (forgot which one, cones or rods) so they see less color than us. They can however see into the ultraviolet scale which is why blue jeans are a no-no. Since they see less color they focus on two things, movement and silohette. The importance of camo is that it breaks up your silohette and blends you in to the environment.
Regs do vary among states. Here, orange is required during the shotgun and muzzleloader deer seasons only. Exempt are turkey season, handgun and rifle black bear seasons, and archery deer season.
I have seen these threads that say animals don't see color the way we do so I have one question. Why are the males always more colorful than females? The answer is that the brighter color males can lure predatures away from the female, and the young. But wait. Animals don't see color. Right?
Each species of animal have varying degrees of color vision. One common trend among them is that animals that see well at night tend to see fewer colors. Animals that see best in daylight (humans and most birds) tend to see more colors.

Night vision is primarily from the black/white receptors - day vision includes black/white and color receptors. Animals that evolved to see well at night evolved more black/white and fewer color receptors.

Deer see well at night, therefore have more black/white receptors - but they do see some muted colors as well during the day, especially blue, blue is not a muted color to them, it fact it glows. Conversely blaze orange appears as a muted brown to them.

In fact, deer can even see into the ultra violet, where blues that are invisible to us appear as bright fluorescent to them.

If you are washing your clothes in regular laundry detergent, they are coated with the dyes and UV brighteners that are added to all commercial laundry detergents. You can see this by using a black light on clothing with UV Brighteners. The deer can see it in any low light conditions.

The only way to avoid this glow is to use specific laundry detergents made for hunters. It should be totally free of dyes, fragrance, phosphates, oxidizers, color, fluorescent whiteners, and lubricants. After using the hunters type of detergent, you should spray your hunting clothes with UV-Killer. Because when your fancy patterned camouflage clothes were manufactured, they used UV Brighteners in the original dyes. They made them to attract YOUR eye, instead of making them for maximum stealth in hunting. (Cabela's carries both Sport-wash, UV killer, and Carbon Blast.)

If you want to read more of the information paraphrased in the quote box above, and would like to see a demonstration of how deer see color and floursecene go to:
I'll check the link but I've hunted with a blue jacket and green jacket but I still get my deer and haven't noticed any difference..Movement is still the most important thing !!
I too usually wear blue jeans when I hunt. I wash them in plain hot water, not detergents though and they are faded. I also wear a blaze orange hat and vest. I don't sit still a lot either, I like to move around. So far (40 some odd years) so good.