hunting Ol'Trey


New member
On 6Jan, while bowhunting a favorite area, twice in the same morning, I saw a huge P&Y class whitetail. First time he was passing through on his way to cover. A grunt call (produced after I dug through about 6 layers of clothes!!) brought him back about 45 minutes later, but know how that worked out.

On 10Jan, I saw him again, vaguely in the predawn light, working his way down the same ridge face, but leaving cover at daylight. Had I been in the same tree as 6Jan, I may have had a shot, but I had changed trees. Oh well......

As I've seen the rascal 3 time I've named him Trey. And several hunts /trees in and around "his" ridge have yielded no sightings. Did he get wacked while chasing does he still there but nocturnal, did he get poached by nighthunters, who knows? I'm on the verge of spending the rest of the season (10 days) on this deer.....likely a mistake. But he is indeed fine.

An interesting side note is that since finding this hardwood bench&tree about 10 years ago, I have seen two other P&Y bucks there, one of which I was able to take. (No, I have not entered him). Also took a nice 3 yr old off of it, not a book deer, but still not bad.

Wish me luck.
I don't know. This one may be a bit more wiley than those others. Big one's often move to greener pastures especially when their the boss Buck. Even so you don't need luck. Just a good clean shot is all. Hopefully you get that Sir.

Have not had the right conditions (wind) to bow hunt Ol/Trey since my OP.

Either variable or south, consistently, neither preferred.

Six days left.
somebody missed him, not me

Was in Ol'Trey country today, there is a gun hunt ongoing. At 7:15AM....BAM...BAM, like right around the corner. Forty-five minutes later I spoke to the guy that shot. He was pouring a cup of coffee and looked up, and what he described as a "10-pt" was looking right at him. You know what happened next.

"You sure you missed?", I asked him, quite directly. "Oh yeah" he says, "I checked, it was really thick, I shot where I thought he was, ...nothing."

Well, lets hope so.
Good luck hope you get on him again.

I hate hearing that "oh I shot where I thought he was, it was thick" That is stupid beyond belief and also how people end up getting shot.
no Tey....maybe he made it

Well, AL deer season is over, and no Ol'Trey for the wall. Here's how it ended.

There was a 5day gun hunt on the state land in question.

On day one of the hunt, I climbed the tree at the "notch" and bowhunted anyhow. Legal, and I was certain if I stuck this deer, he was a book animal. A racked buck went by on the bench, out of range, and a grunt call only made him anxious and he split. This deer did not seem to be Trey, not massive enough, but he was not a bad the brush and at 50 yds, this guy seemed like he might have scored 100.

I did not hunt the AM of day 2, but in the PM I rifle hunted a ROW in the area, and saw notta. Gun hunter pressure increasing.

On AM (day 3), I rifle hunted same ROW , , and saw notta....but two quick shots in the core of Ol Trey's ridge 'caused concern. Later I had the encounter with the guy " pouring coffee" and two shots "where I thought he was"!!!! Egads......Still more gun hunters appearing.

Day 4 I was up EARLY and in the notch tree well before daylight. At dawn, very poor light, a buck came along the bench and through the notch. I could not put any definitive size to the antlers....certainly did not seem massive, and I though may be the other buck described earlier.....even in bad light it was a chip shot....10-12 yds.but I passed. I will likely regret that, but at the time it seemed prudent. I saw 3 other deer that same AM, doe and two yearlings. All 3 of that bunch picked me off in the tree, motionless, and slinked off.....very wary and pity the bow hunter in winter!

Last day, back in the notch again, with a rifle. Sorry Ol'Trey, but out comes the firepower for the last attempt, record book or not. Saw notta. In the PM rifle hunted again on the reverse slope. Stayed in that tree late, way past shooting light. In near darkness a lone deer dropped off the ridge top and worked its way down the draw, unseen, obviously wary.

Was it Trey???

I am scrounging for a camera, and will feed (legal) and photo and see if I can get Trey, or his sibling on film.