Hunting license draws for this fall

This time of year gets my old Irish blood flowing in anticipation of the fall hunting seasons. The draw results are finalized for Colorado (except the leftover draw) and I got lucky with pronghorn doe and mulie doe in my favorite unit east of Pawnee Buttes. We're probably going to eat up the venison and goat from last fall by September. Leftover tags go on sale in August and there's likely another tag in a different unit to jump on. I have an invite to hunt a mulie buck on my nephew's farm in Nebraska, so next week I'll submit an application for a tag for that.

30 years ago my brother died from cancer. He was 55. Before he passed, he told me "If there are things you enjoy doing, do them a lot. Life is short." He loved to hunt too. So, every year I get piggish and go for a few tags.

Anybody else get excited like that? I'd like to hear about you're tags and hunting plans.
Not going away from home this year so I just sit in this same chair and tell MDC what I want and print it off.
Absolutely.. Tags were thin this year in Nevada. The only people that I heard got tags were people I didn't know. I sat there and watched the clock tick down to the draw with big beautiful Bull Elk and Muley antlers dancing in my mind. Alas, I did not get tags for either and I quit chasing speed goats a few years back. I can get landowner tags for 3500.00 with accommodations and a guide but the later I have no use for right now. Maybe in a few years.
Colorado Redneck, Got buck tag and elk tag and bear pt and wife got buck tag. I'll start scouting towards end of July. Good luck
My daughter drew a ML bull elk, plains ML buck deer tag, and rifle buck pronghorn, then she'll hunt Oklahoma for white tail in November as well.

I drew a ML plains doe deer, and rifle doe pronghorn but I won't pull the trigger until she fills her tags. I've pretty much quit hunting until she's off to college in a couple of years.
I drew two Wyoming doe deer tags, and a Utah muzzleloader deer tag. Bought a Utah buck Pronghorn bonus point as well.

Usually try and do either Elk or antelope each year as well, but this year is all deer.
I’ve hunted public ground in the past (for about a 20 year span) for Doe Pronghorn, in south west, and south central Wyoming.

The area we hunted in south-central Wyoming was a mix of private and public, but the land owner had to many people not respecting his land and closed it to hunting, so we moved to a couple new areas.

Unfortunately, after a few years, those new areas became almost impossible for us to draw tags in, so the search was on again, and we started looking at some of the units with better draw odds because of the high percentage of private lands, and not as many hunters applying.

Last years doe Pronghorn, and this years deer tags will be hunted on private ground. The area is mostly private ground, with some state and BLM mixed in, but access to the public lands there is kind of a pain. One of my brothers (Frankenmauser) found a land owner who was happy to come let us harvest some animals that compete with his cattle for food and water. We filled all our speed goat tags (8 does, 4 hunters), and behaved ourselves last year, and he was kind enough to let us come back this year if we drew our deer tags.
Private land is the best hunting if permission is granted. Today I took a gift certificate to a rancher in appreciation for acess to hunt his land. I hunted near Medicine Bow for doe antelope a couple years. Then the unit got overrun by hunters driving off road and taking way long shots. So, the same deal as you, I developed a friendship with some landowners and gave up on public lands. Good luck on the draw.
Most of GA public hunting is either sign in or just show up. We have a few WMA'a that require a drawing. But those applications aren't due until the end of August. Notifications will be about a week later in early Sept.

There is a good WMA about 15 minutes from the house that I always put in for. They have a 4 day deer rifle hunt in early Novmber and a 2nd hunt in early December. They pick 1000 hunters for each and in recent years only about 1300 apply for the 1st hunt, less than 1000 for the 2nd hunt. I list them as 1st and 2nd choices and always get picked for the 2nd hunt. About every other year I get picked for both.

During archery season, turkey season or small game I just have to sign in so I spend a lot of time hunting there. All of the other public land hunts that I participate in just require a sign in.

I elk hunted Colorado last November with an over the counter tag. I want to go back again this year, but won't be able to commit until later this summer or early fall. I'll just go OTC again.
This year, the state gave me 8 antlerless permits to go along with the two buck tags I got(one apiece) for bow and gun. With the kids gone, the wife and I are still eatin' on the buck I got last fall with my bow. Seeing no buck larger than my bow buck to shoot with a gun, and no more room in the freezer, I had no reason to fill the other 7 tags I had left back then. Hoping to mentor my 9 year old grand-daughter this year with some of those.

Regardless of what tags you got and whether you fill them or not, have fun and stay safe.
I got lucky this year too. I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, got drawn for mule deer either sex, antlerless elk, and will buy a standard whitetail tag (no draw required). It’ll be a busy season. My dad is a retired farmer with land I can hunt on, so no worries there. Gonna work up some loads in my .300 win this summer.
Both wife and I got our customary Buck and doe antelope each tag. I got my second choice cow elk tag in the Big Horns.

We do General (over the counter) deer tags.
I’d love to hunt pronghorn one day but there hasn’t been a draw for them up here in a while. We had a few really severe winters that really hurt their numbers. They don’t live anywhere near me, but within the same province, just have drive south for 4-6 hours to “flatland”. Best of luck everyone.