Hunting exotics in Texas


New member
The ranch we are hunting this fall has a number of free ranging exotics on it. The rancher allows us to take Sika deer, male or female, as part of our lease agreement. This will be our second season on this place so we have some experience with Sika (their habits seem to be similar to whitetails). Question is. . . are there any special techniques or "tricks" that will help us to be more successful in harvesting these critters? Are there any calls, scents, etc. that would benefit us?
While I've rattled up whitetail bucks, I've never tried other calling methods.

While I understand the usefulness of various scents and calls, I'm too much of the Old School of hunting to regard them as part of Fair Chase.

If the brush is not too thick, and there is enough topographic relief to be able to see down into brushy flats from above, I prefer to walk and look and take my chances...

I guess if you're hunting is in an area where it's sit in a stand or forget it, using whitetail doe scent to mask your own smelly bod wouldn't upset other types of deer--it's part of their world, already. As for calls, yo no se.
