Hunting Dogs - OK to Keep Outside?


New member
OK, let me start by saying I've never had a dog except for my landlord's german shepherd as a kid, and never been around bird dogs.

I live in NYC, and was just wondering what is the consensus on keeping a hunting dog outside?

My girlfriend is allergic to dogs, so keeping one in the house is not an option. So was hoping to one day get one but keep it outside. Is that cruel?

IF it's ok to keep ouside, then should it have another dog as a companion, or is it ok to keep alone? Do they get lonely? How much attention should you give it, or not give it? Is it ok to let kids play with it, or will that spoil it as a hunting dog?

How about the shelter, especially considering the feeeeezing winters and broiling summers - do they need to be totally enclosed, have a heater in winter, cooling in the summer, or just blocked from wind and snow/rain? Not sure how hardy they are and what's comfortable for them? Are they pretty much the same as humans, or does it depend on the breed?

And how large should the kennel be?

Things like that - I would love it like a family member! And I want to have the best set-up that a dog would need and deserve, without being the least bit cruel or neglecting of any of it's social needs, while also being practical at the same time...

AS you can see, I'm pretty ignorant on a lot of the facts - any help would be appreciated!

Bird dogs are tools not pets where do you keep your tools in your closet prollay not they are not pets i have ruint dogs by tryin to make them that he is ment to be out side
Lots of folks who live in a city have outside dogs. There's gotta be a fenced yard, and a dog house. I've not hever had to deal with severe winter conditons, but I guess you could easily insulate a dog house, and maybe rig some sort of little electric heater. Hot pad, maybe. Dunno.

A solo dog does okay as long as daily attention is given. And I do mean daily.

Hunting dogs tend to be high energy critters. Better give some thought to that part of the deal. And, being high energy, they're very active and quite often rather noisy.

I think I'd talk to some of your local folks who are in similar physical situations to what you have about "just" dogs in general.

Galfriend allergic to dogs? Hmmm. Might trade for one that's not allergic. :)

I Believe too much attention can ruin a dog they get attached then all they think about when you are in the field is gettin that "love"
Some of the best hunting dogs I've seen have been house broke pets. However, they were trained and ALWAYS minded the humans (not like some dogs that think they are humans).

I no longer have a dog, because I only have 1 acre and don't have the time to pay attention to a dog EVERY DAY.

When I want to go bird hunting, I can hire a couple good trained dogs and am good to go. Its cheaper for me this way too!.
