Hunting Colorado


New member
I've been told to hunt in Colorado you have had to taken a hunters safety course regardless of how long you've been hunting. Is this true?


that is will need to have proof of a hunters safty course.

i had the same feelings that you did but the course i took was fun and imformative.there was some good infor on surviving the cold and not what to do when your lost.
Well... I, too, `qualify' for the `exemption' from the Hunter Safety Course' *but* I still went out and went through it. Reasoning? Mainly the `more ammo' factor than anything else. Being able to `show' that I had taken the time to go and do it usually is enough to `shut down' the various `squawks' and other `rude noises' that un-informed `bliss ninnies' tend to emit when they `discover?' that I hunt and also like to `carry'. On top of that I discovered that both my `regular?' insurance and my `health?' insurance actually would give me a `discount' on my premiums for having taken the course! (Not every insurance company does this and even the ones that do tend to `hide' the fact that they do unless you actually take the time to ask and press the issue. Fortunately, for me, my insurance agent also happens to be a `gun nut' and pointed it out to me that I could get a `discount'. They, the insurance companies, would rather `dwell' upon their Driver's Ed `discounts' and the like rather than admit that they may or may not have one for something as `un PC' as Hunter's Safety Education!)