hunting case studies.


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hello all,
right now I am in the process of collecting data for a college research project related to hunting. my latest source requirement is a case study. if any of you feel like contributing(you may be directly quoted) please feel free to chime in. if you would like to contribute but don't want the info on open domain feel free to send a private message instead, no need for real names if you would rather keep anonymity intact.

topics in particular which I am looking for are:
1. when did you begin hunting?
2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry
5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?
6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.
1) I was about 14. Learned to hunt ground hogs for the farmers in my area in MD.
2)Motivation is food, and I just enjoy being in the woods.
3)Never had to really justify my actions.
4)Deer, turkey, small game. Have yet to Elk hunt, but would love to try it.
5)Archery, shotgun, .22's, 7mm Rem mag.
6)used to be Maryland, now I live and hunt in Central PA.

Hope this helps!!
1. when did you begin hunting?

I started tagging along as soon as I could run fast enough to keep up with the adults walking.

I killed my first game when I was 7 (wounded duck with a bb-gun).

I had my own BB gun and hunted sparrows, starlings, mice, and any other "pest" on the farm from the age of 9. Got a .410 shotgun shortly thereafter, started hunting dove, pheasants and quail at 11.

Killed my first deer at 12.

2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?

Food ..... that, and having the skills to provide your own food (I also garden and make my own salsa and tomato sauce) is a good thing ....... the self-reliance thing is kind of a family tradidtion.

3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?

Never had to, but that did not stop me from volunteering the whys.....

4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry

Anything legal and edible. 'Possums are not edible. Contrary to popular belief, carp are ...... I also will shoot any fur-bearers I run across in the course of hunting other game ..... the hides are not worth a lot these days, but a little is better than nothing.

My preferred quary? Deer..... no wild turkey ..... it's hard to decide!

5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?

Whatever is legal for the game/area ..... I use a handmade osage orange and hickory longbow with judo-pointed arrows for rabbits in my yard.... I want to try snares for squirrels, just to learn how to do it ....

6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.

Mostly south east and south west Nebraska.
1. when did you begin hunting?
I began hunting game animals when I was 10 years old. I hunted sparrows and blue jays when I was 8 with a pellet gun.

2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
Fresh meat and good times with friends and family.

3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
Yes, many times.

4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry
Elk, waterfowl, and deer. When I had a hunting dog I also liked quail and pheasants but now that he is gone I have not hunting them in a couple of years.

5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?
Rifle and shotgun.

6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.
Northern California and southwestern Colorado right now. I have also hunted in central and northern Utah.
1) when I was 10. Rabbits and squirrels with a pellet gun.
2) food and I just like to be alone in the woods
3) no
4) deer, turkey, pheasant (before they became extinct) rabbits, coyote
5) archery, shotgun, .22 and hi-power
6) central iowa
topics in particular which I am looking for are:
1. when did you begin hunting?
2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry
5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?
6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.

1) 7 or so if you count birds with BB guns

2) Challenge, trophies, fun, food

3) "Had to", no

4) Deer, woodchucks, occasionally turkey, coyote, squirrel

5) Bow for deer, rifle for chucks, 22 for squirrels, shotgun for turkey

6) Central NY
1.Started around 6 or so but didn't really get serious until 18.
2.Food and the fun of being outdoors, finding a use for my guns etc.
3.Sometimes to ladies I know just told them I'm ethical and I never put it to waste.
4.Deer mostly have tried for coyotes have not been successful so far.
5.Rifle mostly have dallied with bows but no success yet.
6.South Texas, used to hunt Southern AZ
1. when did you begin hunting?
2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry
5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?
6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.
1. I began hunting around 8 or so.

2. Food is my main motivation, but i enjoy the time in the woods as well.

3. If by that you mean people have asked me why i do it, yes.

4. I currently hunt Whitetail deer, Turkeys and Boar(occasionally). My favorite is probably either Boar or Turkey.

5. Rifle, but I'm getting started into archery.

6. I hunt in Central Wisconsin and West-Central Georgia.
1. when did you begin hunting?
2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry
5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?
6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations

1. About 8.
Hunting was a way of spending quality time with dad and siblings while us kids learned outdoor skills. And it was 'fun' learning.

2. Since venison has all but replaced our beef intake, I'd have to say food, then, fun teaching G-kids the same things I learned as a child, next would be
challenge of killing that trophy I've been hunting.

3.No, but I have explained the value's of hunting.

4. Have hunted deer, antelope, hogs, turkey, rabbit , squirrel, pheasant, quail,
woodcock, grouse, groundhog, coyote and raccoon.
My fav. is to close to call between deer, turkey and upland bird. But if there were more pheasant here in Ohio, pheasant hunting would most likely be my fav.

5. Preferred method:

bow for deer

rifle for antelope, hogs, groundhogs, yotes and coon

shotgun for turkey, rabbits, squirrel and upland birds

6. Currently only hunt Ohio. When I used to hunt antelope/sheep it was in Wyoming, once in Montana. Used to hunt Hogs in Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina.
1. when did you begin hunting?
I was about 6, we were pretty poor, and you hunted if you wanted to eat

2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
Being out there, Closeness to nature, God and my companions if I'm not hunting alone.

3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
Not really, I don't live my life for others.

4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry
If I had to pick just one critter, it would have to be elk.

5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?
6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.
Big Horn Mountains of North Central Wyoming
1. when did you begin hunting?
Around the age of 8.

2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
Food and the thrill of the hunt, along with being out in nature. You never know what your going to see out there.

3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
No, but I have explained to people why hunting is inherently more ethical than buying the mass produced meat people buy at the grocery store.

4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry
Whitetail deer, recently squirrel, and going to start trapping rabbits in couple weeks.

5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?

6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.
Georgia, but I have an opportunity to take part in some depredation hunting this year in North Carolina for whitetail deer. I can take a number of deer up there that would harm our herd where I live, filling our freezer full of venison while barely making a dent in that herd. .
1. when did you begin hunting?
Small game - maybe 4-5 years old.
Big game - my brothers and I had to go out on our own, and figure things out (about 14 years old for me).

2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
Food. Being outdoors. Finding places where I can be miles from another person, and enjoying the silence while I watch the wildlife. And, the thrill of the hunt. The killing part... that's dirty, and turns into work.
I don't care about "trophies" of any kind. I hunt does and cows for big game. The only set of antlers I've ever gotten, are currently sitting in someone else's garage. I would have cut them up by now, if my wife didn't want them mounted, to hang on the wall.

3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
Constantly, growing up. 95% of my extended family is anti-gun, anti-hunting, or just doesn't understand why we do it.

4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry[?]
I hunt everything I can, except for waterfowl. Antelope, Elk, Deer, Rabbits, Grouse, and more...
I love hunting Antelope, more than anything else. In theory, it's a very easy hunt. But, I always find ways of making it challenging, and only take the best does (and do my best to make sure they aren't still nursing late fawns).

5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?
Primarily rifle for mammals - shotgun for birds. I really enjoy muzzle loader hunting, but haven't had one in about 10 years.

6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.
Utah, Idaho, Wyoming. In the past, Florida. I was ready to go for deer in Alabama, one year, but got sent to Iraq. So, I hunted camel spiders and scorpions, instead. :rolleyes:
1 Small game when I was about 12/13, squirrels, birds, chipmunks with a pellet gun

2 Love being out in the woods with gun in hand, food I can buy in the grocery store. I do have a few trophies on the wall but its not all about that. I just like the hunt

3 I have been in a few situations where I get questioned but around here in NH its not too bad, not that many Anti hunters.

4 I mainly hunt deer and love it, maybe a few woodchucks in the spring or a stray coyote

5 Mainly a rifle hunter here, shotgun for deer where required but not often and even then its slugs, no buckshot. I do hunt with a inline muzzleloader but I consider that a single shot rifle.

6 I hunt mainly in southern NH, have been to NC for a few deer hunts and I am planning on a out of state hunt next year.

Hope this helps...
1. 11 years old for rabbits and squirrels in Southern Virginia.

2. I hunt mostly for food. Being in the woods/farmland is rewarding as well. We have a lot of wildlife. Then there is the pure joy of the hunt. The uniqueness of each hunt and types of hunting from running dogs to still hunting.

3. I don't really feel the need to justify hunting. If people don't like it it is their prerogative.

4. Deer are the most fun for me. I love duck hunting the salt water marshes with a good dog too.

5. Prefer a rifle of some sort over a shotgun any day. For a challenge bow hunting is great but it takes time I don't have right now.

6. This year I will be deer hunting(rifle season) in Wisconsin and rabbit/squirrel hunting where I live in Illinois. I grew up hunting in Virginia and Western Maryland.
1. About 12 years old, squirrels and pheasant.

2. I hunt for quality meat and the experience. It is one thing I will tell anybody that asks. Even a hunt that does not produce an animal is a quality experience.

3. I also don't feel the need to explain myself. Like it or hate it, its me and what I do.

4. I hunt a little bit of everything, but my favorite is whitetail with a stick and string.

5. Bow for deer although I also use a shotgun, rifle for woodchucks and fox.

6. Western NY state.
topics in particular which I am looking for are:
1. when did you begin hunting?
2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry
5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?
6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.

1. I guess it was around 14 yrs old.
2. To fill the freezer, and lately to trophy hunt.
3. Around here everyone hunts and fish. So no, more than likely would have to justify why not.
4. Mainly Deer and Turkey, have taken a few hogs
5. Depends on the season. deer bow season, bow of course, then go to rifle when it starts. Shotgun for turkeys.
6. Middle Georgia
1. 8 or 10 years old.
2. Food, trophies, relaxation, time in nature
3. I do not feel compelled to justify anything I do to anyone.
4. Deer, Hogs, Coyotees, squirrels, coon
5. Rifle
6. Georgia
1. Early 20s.
2. It is fun and is the perfect excuse to get out of the city and enjoy the outdoors.
3. Yup. Now I realize it usually isn't worth the breath. People that try and get you to defend hunting usually have their mind made up and nothing you say will change it.
4. Varmints, predators, and big game. I would like to get into birds. I'll hunt whatever I can.
5. Rifle but I have been thinking about getting into muzzle loading.
6. Nevada. Been thinking about starting to do nonresident hunts in AZ and/or UT.
1. when did you begin hunting?
Round about the sixth grade, so I was 11-12.

2. what motivates you to hunt(food, trophies, etc)?
Couple of reasons, depending upon the animal. Coyotes, armadillos, and feral pigs I hunt because they endanger the family farm.

I hunt deer because of the camaraderie at deer camp. And ducks I hunt because they are the only animal around here that are truly a challenge to hunt.

3. have you ever been in a situation where you've had to justify your reasons for hunting to another person?
One of my fraternity brothers was very outspoken in his anti-hunting beliefs. Went round and round with him a time or two. And at Boy Scout camp, I generally find myself explaining the benefits of hunting to kids who have no experience with it at all all.

4. what do you hunt and what is your prefered quarry
Deer, ducks, and the aforementioned nuisance critters. Ducks are by far my favorite quarry.

5. prefered method(bow, rifle, muzzle loader, ETC)?
Rifle for everything but ducks, shotgun obviously for them.

6. general area(state is specific enough if you do not feel comfortable giving specific locations.

Ducks in Arkansas and Georgia, deer and coyotes in Georgia, west-central part.