Huntin' with the car

dent guy

New member
I recently saw a deer get hit by a semi truck and insantly killed. My sister just happened to be in the car at the time and just about filled both pant legs when this happened. About half an hour later, she's still upset, I said that I should have stopped and picked it up. Has anyone ever done this?
These 'road kill' laws vary from state to state. Here in Illinois, the driver can have what is left of the animal. If they don't want it, anyone else can take it but must report it by phone to the DNR.
I have had several roadkills. A couple were real fresh, clean head or front shoulder hits that butchered and tasted fine. A friend of mine hit one (hard) and brought it over. We spent 2 hours and salvaged only about 10 lbs of meat- not worth the trouble.
Don't bother taking it to a locker, you'll be on your own for processing.
Most semi-smucked deer leave little to salvage. I hit one three weeks ago while in S. Dakota pheasant hunting with my '99 F250 SuperDuty 4x4. Speed limit on I90 is 75mph (cruise set on 80), I ran clear over it and did less than $1000 damage. But that deer hit my front axle so hard, it exploded parts of the deer out through the spokes of the wheels. I didn't try to salvage any of that one.
If you do try to salvage a road kill, BE CAREFULL. I live by a state park with frequent roadkills and have seen some two legged deer scavengers almost become roadkill in their enthusiasm to 'claim' the meat.
I've had roadkill deer, too. One of the old-timers (he drove a Higgens boat on D-Day) that lives next to where I hunt cooked it up one day. It was tasty, but there was one shoulder that was, well, over-tenderized. The T-Bird that hit it didn't fare too well either, I hear.

Don't know about the laws in GA, but the officer at the scene told him to go ahead and take it.

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.

I hope these evil men come to understand our peaceful ways soon - My trigger finger is blistering!
In Wyoming road kills are the property of the state and almost always go in the dumpster. In fact, you can't even stop and take the horns or antlers off a "road kill".

If you hit a big game animal and cripple it, you can't even legally "finish it off". That is the job of the Game and Fish.
Bergie, not quite, I am a paintless dent removal technician. Deer damage is a little big for me to fix. DENT GUY

[This message has been edited by dent guy (edited December 16, 1999).]
I think I related my story in here a while back of my taking a doe with my Ranger. I hit her a little far back, so a tracking job was neccesary. At 0230, that was not fun, and my wondering about what being a poacher would be like was answered. My cousin and I had to track that deer across a cornfield and swamp for about 150 yards, at night, one flashlight, a Ruger 10-22 and .45acp, one someone elses land, in a place where people ground check everything. It was not fun and I hope to never repeat it again.

Thursday night, I about took another doe out with my Ranger. 50mph down a blacktop road just north of Vidalia, GA. I somehow managed to squeeze my truck in between two does as they crossed the road. All I could do was hold on, and chant, "don't do it, don't do it" as they made their way in front of me.

The lead doe just missed my front bumper with her tail actually hitting my right headlight. The following doe brushed my left tail light with her nose. No damage to either deer, or my truck.

Thank God...

It seems I've went around the world to get next door. Would I pick it up? Indeed. I hate to see any part of an animal get wasted... and I'm sure most DNR agents and police officer won't mind at all.

I suggest that you use your horn instead of swerving or swearing as you approach deer. several short and quick beeps sends them high tailing it into the woods.
I got a grouse the other day. He's been taunting me all fall. He would sit on the road leading to my house all during grouse season. The road is blacktop so I can't shoot from it, and its private property so I can't hunt him. The other day he was dumb enough to fly in front of me. The impact stunned him, so I jumped out and got him. It was great cleaning a grouse that wasn't all full of shot! Good eating too :-)

Now I have it on good authority that some states (won't say which ones)require two people to be at the site of a roadkill if it's to be claimed: One to eat and the other to watch for traffic. Semper Ubi Sub Ubi!

In Montana it is also illegal to "finish off" an animal hit by a vehicle (hasn't stopped me yet, what an a$$hole thing to do, just let it lay there for an hour or two til someone "in authority" can finish it off) or to salvage roadkill out-of-season or without a valid license. I've only salvaged one (didn't stop me again!) and I just happened to see it get hit & killed so I knew it was "fresh". Lost one front quarter is all as the vehicle hit mainly just the head & neck area of this whitetail doe.
Procedure here is to call the Fish & Game dept. and they will often salvage usable parts of the carcass (if fresh) and it is then ground & packaged and distributed to those who can't normally afford the price of meat at the store or to local shelters/missions.

Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets replaced.....