Huntin' Shootin' one-liners sought...


Staff In Memoriam
Things you would like to see on a mug or clothing, bumper stickers or hats etc...
Things like...
My Freezer Is A Game Preserve

Vegans taste like chicken

Salad is what my food eats

Molon Labe

So as not to fill up my PM box as I know ya'll have thought of or seen plenty, here is my email addy...

Just put "ideas" or "statement" in subject line so I open these and can look incase they are slipping into junk mail or spam by default.

here in Idaho this one is popular

One I saw in a cabin while elk hunting on Afognak Island.

"Saw a nice 7 pt, took two shots but by the time I got the lid back on the bottle it was gone".
If one of these turns out to be Brent's "Mad Bluebird" picture ( and yes the guy has made a PILE OF $ off of it over the years.....!!!) least he should hold a FiringLine hog roast as payoff!!

My based on some all to personal experences.......:

A picture of a cold day, a really cold day.....and a woman in a tree stand with her shirt off sweating and fanning herself like crazy. The caption reads..........

"Menopause, better than wool!"
"Vegetarian: an old Indian word for 'bad hunter'."

Another one that isn't hunting related: ".45ACP. Because shooting twice is just silly." One of those "motivational" posters with a 1911 on it.
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Here's one an old duck hunter said to me in a conversation we were having about the Browning A5 shotgun.

This took place many years ago when I was buying a new A5 for duck and goose hunting.

I was talking with this older gentleman and I stated to him that I thought the A5 with a full choke barrel would be a good choice for duck and goose hunting and would reach out there and get them (this was back in the days of using lead shot).

He was an A5 shooter and here's the exact words he said to me " hell son if it killed them any further out there the meat would be spoiled by the time you retrieved it".

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
"I used to hunt deer.....until I got a one ton truck with a big grill guard, it took all the sport out of it!"

When someone says "Oh we don't believe in guns" ....lean close and whisper "they do exist!".