Huntin' season in WYO - life is good!


New member
Today was a failure as far as hunting success goes, - well maybe not totally. But I did my best to live up to the saying - "The worst day hunting is better than the best day at work."

Started off well before daylight, driving north for nearly and hour and then spending dawn and a couple hours looking out over a pine lined hollow for elk. Seen 'em there berfore, but that was another year. This time, saw absolutely nothing. Still the dawn was spectacular.

Then I drove a couple miles to a nearby firewood cutting area, got out the chainsaw, and cut 'n' loaded just over a half a cord of firewood into the truck. About 1:00 found me pausing to eat a roast venison sandwich at my father's. (he took the deer earlier this year on the same day I took mine...)

Stopped by the house, unloaded the wood, picked up the dog and my Browning lever action .22 lr. Popped a package of venison liver in the sink to thaw.

Drove a few miles (6) out of town to a sagebrush flat that I know to be inhabitted by cottontails. A mile or so of walking and two rabbits latter, gather up the dog and head home. Marvel that the bald eagles are here on thier wintering grounds already. Counted 18 head of mule deer on the way back to town - wonder where that big buck was hiding two weeks ago? OH and yep, it was the same six miles!

Clean rabbits and put away to fry for dinner tomarrow. Mmmm... Fried Rabbit...

Tommarrow I think I'll try a different elk spot. I know they're out there.

Eat a plate of liver and onions while loggin' on to TFL. Wonder if anyone else had a day like this...

Gotta love Wyoming! :cool:
Well, I got a new pump installed in my well. Showers are Good Things, along with being able to wash dishes and flush. However, I'd have rather been hunting.

Sounds like a good day. And just think: When you learn how to make the motor work on that chainsaw, you can cut a whole cord!

:D, Art