Hunters Safety Course

Dead Aim

Well, I just completed my hunters safety course after 10 hours of classroom time split between Friday and Saturday. There were a lot of younger kids, probably ten adults, and suprisingly probably 4-5 woman. Also there was a family of amish people taking it, seeing that i took it in the lancaster area that isnt too suprising. We went over a lot of the basics- the ten commandments of shooting, deteriming legal game, and how to operate many firearms. Two WCO officers came in and were warning us about breaking the rules. Before i thought these guys were big jerks but i found that as long as you follow the rules you dont have anything to worry about. Overrall i would say i learned some stuff, im a hunting expert but i still pulled in some new info.
Out of the 40 some students only one failed but got a retest.
peace out deadaim

The learning process is always on-going.

I've hunted three continents and five countries - but I learn more all the time......

I live by that old saying.

"you learn something new every day"

A son is the best friend you'll ever have!
Yep, that's one of the great things about this pursuit, there's always more to learn. Of course, its also maddening. Just when you think you've got some game species all figured out it'll turn around and humiliate you. People who say "You kill poor defenseless animals!" don't have a clue what we hunters sometimes go through. Defenseless my a$$! :rolleyes: