Hunter online survey


New member
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 11:41 PM


Dear Conservation Colleague;

We are writing to you today to request your help with a new online survey
that the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation has launched. This new
website,, will help focus our research on trends
impacting access to federal public lands. We are hoping that you will be
able to encourage your members and colleagues to log on and fill out the
survey, either through an e-mail update or add it as a link to your

Many of you are aware of, and several of you were involved in, the first
phase of a project to assess the trends impacting hunter access to federal
public lands. In November 2001, with the help of the Wildlife Management
Institute, we convened a meeting to discuss the issues impacting access.
The participants at the meeting outlined eight primary questions that were
determined to be the most critical to fully understand the issue of access
including agency land-use planning processes, awareness of land ownership
patterns, trends in access to public lands through private lands and
knowledge of access opportunities. The report that highlights these issues,
Hunter Access to Federal Public Lands is available in PDF format on the CSF
webpage at: The objective of this research is to
identify recommendations and develop potential solutions that will aid
Congress, federal agencies and the hunting/conservation community to improve
hunter access to federal public lands. is one of the tools that CSF will be using to fully
research the questions raised about access to public lands - in addition we
will be doing more detailed studies in key regions. The online survey will
allow us to get specific information about the improvements or declines in
hunter access to federal public lands from the hunters that have direct
knowledge of what is happening on the ground in the places they hunt. We
recognize that this is not a scientific survey, but we hope that it will
provide important insights that will fill in some gaps and help guide the
research we are doing on this issue.

We hope that you are able to help us out with this issue. In addition, we
encourage you to join our new electronic mailing list to receive regular
updates from us on issues such as this. Go to our homepage at and there is a link to the subscription form in the
upper right hand corner.

Thanks in advance for any help that you are able to give us.


Matt Hogan
Director of Conservation Policy