Humidity in new apartment...


New member
Hey guys. So I just recently moved to a new apartment and have a bit of a concern with my firearms. It's a basement apartment and I just measured the humidity and it generally hovers between 60% to 75% humidity at a temperature between 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. I haven't brought my two most valuable guns (Arsenal SAM7R and my Spike's Tactical AR-15) because I'm very concerned about rust and corrosion. I can't afford a big fancy gun safe with humidity controls, but did purchase a 70-pint Kenmore dehumidifer. I empty a gallon and a half of water from that damn thing every day! Anyway, the humidity is down to about 45% to 55% average humidity now, but I'm still worried about bringing my valuable firearms. For instance, if the dehumidifer dies or something. I've been storing my guns in a basement with 63% humidity for the last year or so with no rust or corrosion, so could I maybe be overreacting a bit with this? How "dangerous" is it to store firearms in spaces with high humidity?
Have you considered throwing a $10 box of silica dessicant in the safe just as backup if the dehumidifier fails temporarily? Besides being reuseable, the indicator on the side will also let you know how much humidity it is soaking up.
You should be fine with a dehumidifier running and keep them wiped down with oil . You might also want to put them in a silicone sock . This is the time of year when the humidity is the highest in my house because I am not running the ac or heat all the time . I have 3 870's that sit out and they haven't rusted , the humidity is about 65% in my house this time of year without my dehumidifier running . I keep it at 50% with my dehumidifier .

I find that things rust the quickest in a closet .

Before I bought a dehumidifier I was having a cable installer coming over to connect my service . So I removed my reloading press and put it in my spare bedroom closet . About a month latter ( this time of year ) I went to get my press out of the closet and the handle had surface rust on it . Nothing has ever rusted in my house before . It never rusted mounted on my kitchen table ( yes it is mounted there , I am not married ) . Since then I have been running a dehumidifier just as a precaution .
More than likely if the guns are suitably oiled and protected with a silicone impregnated soft case, they will be fine.
We live with high humidity and I keep mine either wrapped in a cloth sprayed with silicone or one of those soft cases I spray myself.
Check them and redo about every six months or so and they will not likely rust, especially if they're kept in some kind of container.
I'd be ecstatic with humidity that was only 60-75%!

Since you can't afford a safe, what are you keeping them in now? I hope it isn't a foam lined case. Wipe the metal down with oil or even johnson's paste wax. All you want is a coating to keep air off the metal
I've had a dehumidifier in my finished basement for the last 16 years with my guns and the guns and everything else in the basement have been fine. If you have a drain available, you should hook up a hose and let it drain itself. Mine runs to a condensate pump.
The NRA Museum keeps their firearms display cases at around 45% humidity. 60-70% aint nothing. The biggest thing is minimizing drastic temp fluctuations. Relax.
If kept in a breathable soft case well oiled inside & out. I don't see a problem. Swings in temperature causes condensation. That is more concerning than high humidity> I think.
Humidity in my gun closet runs around 55% in the summer. I've never had a problem with rust, even on a couple cheap handguns I have. Some will sit all summer and never get moved. Never worried about it.

I'm very anal about making sure I wipe all fingerprints and sweat off all surfaces with a dry cloth before storing.
If you go much under 50% it can damage the wood with splits.

The biggest thing is minimizing drastic temp fluctuations.
Which begs the question, wall/window AC unit or central air? If you are using an air/window unit and turning it off when you leave then back on when you return you can get some drastic temperature changes.
I live in Louisiana , heat and humidity is a way of life with us.
Take your guns and give all the metal parts a coat of wax. The good automotive paste wax such as Mothers Pure Carnauba Wax . Another good product is Birchwood Casey's Prevent Rust Inhibitor, It's just a wax in a spray can , spray on , wipe off excess let dry. I have use both to protect my firearms and both work. The Mothers can also be used to wax your car.
But the secrete is a wax not an oil or grease. The wax stays on and protects.

I lived in Beaufort, South Carolina for 10 years. Some of the most humid area around - like Baton Rouge, LA. Hot humid and no airflow.

I've used Damp-Rid for decades, and include it in my safes. I use the bucket which I place on the floor in an open corner. Humidity settles to the lowest point of any area which is why I put them on the floor. The safe heaters rotate the air inside which helps with circulation. I haven't had a gun rust yet in one of my safes with that in it. The desiccant disintegrates and water collects in the bottom of the bucket which allows me to SEE that its removing the moisture. I check it every time I am in the safe and empty the bucket when I have a second to do so - septic safe as well. I will replace the desiccant when it all dissolves. Cheap insurance that has worked for me over a long time.
I live in south Ga...VERY HUMID...have never used anything in the guns are kept in the safes, in cases...NEVER any rust on any of them.

The last 30yrs, all of my houses have had central heat and air...but the 25yrs prior to that...didn't have the central units.

I have just never had problems with long as I wiped the guns down occasionally...about twice a year. And, to be truthful, many of them have not gotten it once a year...aggravating to empty the safes and take them out of the cases...more correctly, it is laziness on my part.
That's two for the same general area. ShootnIron are you by chance near Savannah? Beaufort is 45 minutes up the coast. That's one of my ole rompin grounds. Sometimes so humid you can drink the air. I agree its all about controlling temperature and condensation conditions within the safe itself,