Humbling Experience


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I recently acquired a Steyr Manlicher LP10 Air Pistol. I bought this gun for what I thought would be the ultimate practice pistol that I could use in my basement with the hope that it would improve my firearm skills.

Anyone use one of these or a similar Olympic grade match air pistol? These guns are awesome, and they are incredibly, incredibly accurate. They are also very humbling. Shooting a gun that you know is capable of 1 hole groups at 10 meters, a gun that has absolutely no recoil at all, means that if you do not put it in the X, it is ALL YOUR FAULT! Can't blame recoil, can't blame a crappy trigger, can't blame nothin' but your poor shooting skills.

I am throughly enjoying this outstanding piece of machinery, and would encourage anyone even thinking about getting one to do so - you will not regret it. I am looking forward to participating at some local 10 meter Air Pistol competitions this fall.

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who enjoys this type of shooting. Thanks in advance .....:)
I don't do it as much as I should. It is indeed excellent practice. With (virtually) no recoil you can see any mistakes you make much easier than with a firearm. And because of the low velocity, the pellet stays in the barrel for a long time, so if you jerk the trigger, it will really show on the target. In a club I belong to, and coach for, we use Olympic grade air pistols to start all beginners. Just a couple of hours of instruction with the pellet guns at 10 meters and those newbies will shoot some amazing 25 meter groups on their first visit to the "big" range.

You're right, I have to get off my behind and buy myself a good air pistol (and maybe a rifle too, if I can persuade my wallet). Some quality training in the basement will not hurt, and playing with these incredibly accurate machines is fun. Shooting them in front of witnesses, though, can be downright embarrassing! :)
Price? what do these pistols run, i am very interested in an olympic quality Air, or 22 pistol.

thanks for any and all info.

Prices of APs

A typical Olympic quality AP runs from 900 - 1200 US Dollars. I paid $1095.00 for my Steyr LP10 from Don Nygord of Nygord Precision Another good source of APs is Scott Pilkington

Check out Target Talk as well - a link can be found on the Pilkington site. You will find TONS of information about Olympic quality APs and rifles, as it is a discussion forum about just that.
Not exactly the same thing, but it is also a humbling experience.

I, being the "competent" gun handler that I am (or profess to be) decided to try out my hand at NRA Indoor Pistol shooting. This is bullseye type shooting at 15 yards.

I said to myself, "Hey--I do pretty well at rapid fire and timed fire at 25 yards. 15 should be a piece of cake. I'll walk out of there in at least the top 5 shooters."

Boy, was I in for a shock!!

The 25 yard bullseye on a NRA target is 1.69 inches in diameter.

The 15 yard bullseye on an NRA target is slightly smaller than a dime.

To put it bluntly, I went in cocky. I left whimpering, having my butt handed to me in both hands, with my tail tucked between my legs.

I have also tried Air Pistol. No way, guys--not yet. I'm nowhere near good enough for that.
LP10 is a fine, fine pistol. Good choice. I'm a bit jealous...

For those who want the joys of air pistol competition without the agonies of massive credit-card debt, try the Baikal IZH-46M. It's a single-pump pistol with adjustable trigger, sights, and stocks. Very accurate, and only runs about $250. For getting into air pistol shooting, you can hardly do better.

I love air pistols. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, teaches you sight alignment, trigger control, and followthrough like a good airgun. The best ammo in the world runs $75 for a case, and you can shoot it in your home with a $10 pellet trap. What's not to like? :D

- Chris
I second Chris' recommendation for the Baikal as a good starter gun.

Personally, I like the Morini 162 a bit more than the Steyr.

Grant is most definately right about it being your fault if they aren't all in the X with one of these pistols.

The attached picture is of a target from this years Collegiate Sectional match.

Anyone care to guess which shot was my last one?


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