Hugh Downs Speaks Out

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ABC News Perspective: Assault Weapons
by Hugh Downs

Years ago, presidential candidate John F. Kennedy distinguished himself
from his opponent Richard M. Nixon by saying that he, Kennedy, knew who he
was and that Nixon did not know who he was.

Knowing who you are suggests maturity and a sense of self hood.
Nations,just like individuals, also have identities and nationals can
understand who they are, too. Members of any civilization can realize
their uniqueness.

Sometimes some Americans seem to have difficulty understanding who they
are. The United States is unique and we shouldn't feel guilty or envious
because we aren't like other nations.

One issue that seems to magnify our lack of self confidence in who we are
is the gun debate. Some Americans think we should be like the Japanese
when it comes to guns. Other think we should behave like the British, or
the Swiss, or maybe some other foreign nationals.

The recent vote to repeal the so-called assault weapons ban seemed to
kick up the dust once again in the gun debate. Patrick Kennedy, a
Democrat from Rhode Island, equated weapons with satanic forces. "Play
with the devil, die with the devil," Kennedy said. Jim Chapman, another
Democrat from Texas, said banning certain rifles was like outlawing Rolls
Royce's because of drunk drivers and the damage they do. But the two sides
couldn't be more opposed.

Before we plunge into the question of what a so-called assault weapon is,
let's back up a few million years and consider their evolution. Our most
ancient hominid ancestors learned to throw stones to kill game. Later when
they learned how to throw spears, Anthropologists and paleontologists
theorized that the act of throwing was a tremendously stressful thing.
Combining binocular vision and distance estimation with delicate hand-eye
coordination had never been attempted before in nature. Humans pioneered
the technique.

And one of the consequences of mastering this technique was a more robust
nervous system; a nervous system that may be responsible for opening the
door to humanity's unique intellectual activity.

Spears turned into bows and arrows. And arrows turned to crossbow bolts,
and then to firearms. The development of field artillery created a demand
for sophisticated mathematics and mathematicians solved problems of
ballistic velocities and trajectories.

The manufacture of firearms gave birth to precision engineering, concepts
of mass production, and breakthrough insights in metallurgy.

As a result of the intellectual achievements, master gunsmiths in New
England and elsewhere created an economic powerhouse. Guns and
intellectual progress seemed to have been intertwined. Rocket science is a
direct outgrowth of humankind's fascination with ballistics.

Perhaps the most stunning of all these fruits is the development of the
computer. The purpose of the world's first computer, Eniac, was to
calculate artillery and missile trajectories. In other words, humanity's
most astonishing intellectual artifact, the computer, is an offspring of
our love affair with guns.

Well, that's a truth about guns. Guns exercised our unique intellectual
ability. They stimulated many scientific disciplines. They created wealth.
And the have defeated enemies from Adolph Hitler to Sadam Hussein.

Some people may not like the idea, but a large measure of our success as a
species is due to our passion for firearms. This is an ncomfortable truth,
because guns serve a dark side of humanity also. War is our dark side. War
destroys life and property. And everyone, even brave warriors, justifiably
fear it. Weaponry provided food for our tables and served us well in
certain crises.

But as instruments of war they play a cacophonous distasteful tune. Nobody
likes it. People who claim they like war, I believe, are lying to
themselves and to the world.

But guns do not make war. Guns can hold neither grudges nor hate. Guns
are merely instruments. A machine gun can no more launch an attack without
a machine gunner than an oboe is to play Mozart without a musician.
Instruments are extensions of people. Firearms are merely extensions of

Firearms, in whatever numbers or whatever configurations, are not the
problem. The problem would seem to have its roots in national attitude
we have toward correcting things. Where did we develop the idea that
personal grievances or social wrongs can be redressed by shooting the
bad guy?

For example, we do not have the greatest number of handguns per capita. We
just have (the) greatest number of deaths from these weapons. Israel and
Switzerland are both ahead of us in number of handguns per capita. But
they don't have very much of this kind of crime. Almost every home in
these countries has at least one sidearm, given a person on completion of
compulsory military service. They have the guns, but they just don't seem
inclined to shoot each other.

The assault rifle debate takes our attention away from the underlying
problem: how to effect a change in our national attitude toward settling
differences by violence. This is what we should be focused on. But we seem
to (be) fixated on a buzzword like "assault."

Hunters, professional armors, and firearm historians say the term is
imprecise. Some claim there is no such thing. One common term, known as an
assault rifle, refers to a long arm or carbine capable of automatic fire
with ordinary military ammunition or big-game ammunition.

Fully automatic weapons, true machine guns, have been banned since the
1930s and that ban remains in effect. So the "assault weapon" ban cannot
refer to machine guns, although many people, I think, mistakenly think so.
All the banned weapons are semi-automatic.

Legislators who initiated the ban claim that semi- automatic weapons have
no sporting use. But semi-automatic rifles have long history in hunting
and other sports. The famous BAR, or Browning Automatic Rifle, is a
semi-automatic hunting rifle; so is the Remington Model 7400.
Semi-automatic shotguns have been on the market for many years.

The banned rifles differ from non-banned ones only in small decorative
details: decorations like a folding stock, a bayonet mount, or a flash
suppresser. Otherwise, the banned "assault weapons" are ordinary rifles.
They are not automatic military weapons.

But the Republicans are now embarrassed by a perceived necessity of
lifting the ban on so-called assault weapons. And they've elected to
do so as quickly and quietly as can be done to get it behind them so
it's not an issue later on when the elections looms. Many of them feel
it will not get past both houses of Congress anyway and they can then
say to the NRA, "We did our best."

Unlike Britons, Americans are citizens and not subjects. And there's a
very great difference between the two. Americans do not worship their
government as god, which is a thousand-year-old tradition in Japan. Nor,
like the Japanese, do we believe that government is infallible, as if
government authority were an extension of family authority.

Americans are not Canadians either. We are unlike both the strict
Quebecoise and the English-speaking subjects of the British monarch.
Americans are different and require different rules and laws.

Maybe when we Americans learn to responsibly manage our guns, and our
drugs, and our automobiles, or any other of the dangerous things in life,
maybe then we will know who we are.

For Perspective, this is Hugh Downs, ABC News.


NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed
a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research
and educational purposes only.
i have tried to verify this essay since i first saw it 2 days ago

no luck
seaching abc doesn't turn up the article

i did find this there:
On gun control:

BRADLEY: Al, I have proposed registration and licensing of all
handguns, all 65 million handguns in America. President Clinton has
said he is for that. We're in the midst of this tremendous rash of gun
violence in America. Thirteen children are killed every day on the streets
of this country, that's a Columbine every day. Eight-hundred-thousand
kids took a gun to school at least once last year.

Registration and licensing is what we do for automobiles. Why can't we
do it for handguns in America and why don't you support it?

GORE: Well, I do support licensing of the purchase of all new handguns.

BRADLEY: New handguns.

GORE: And what the president said was that, yes, he supports that idea
but it doesn't have a prayer of ever becoming law and it's much more
sensible to try to get the maximum gun control that we possibly can.

Let me tell you, I know about fighting for gun control. I helped to pass
the toughest new gun control measure in a generation. I cast the
tie-breaking vote to take on the NRA and close the gun show loophole. It
took a hard fight to pass the Brady bill and make it the Brady law, to
establish the three day waiting period.

I want to go farther and completely ban Saturday Night Specials and junk
guns and assault weapons, and have what's called super tracing so that
when a gun is used in any kind of crime, it can be immediately traced.
this is listed as a Hugh Downs comentary on the abc site

quite the contrast:
Double-Barrel Crisis
Save Kids from Guns and the Kids Who Use Them

By Hugh Downs
N E W Y O R K, May 28 — Keeping one’s children
safe from guns turns out to be a bigger
challenge than was thought: Even little children
have an almost morbid fascination with guns,
and parents whose awareness of this, and whose
behavior is exemplary, still have a problem.
Suppose they either lock up guns in a place where a child cannot know
the location of the key, with no ammunition anywhere near the guns, or
suppose they do not ever have a gun in the house. There are still neighbors
and schoolmates who may be lax in this regard. How do you tactfully ask
your neighbors if their children might gain access to a lethal weapon? You
don’t. Until now.

The Inescapable Human Factor
From what children today have seen in movies or on television, with their
natural curiosity and their propensity to imitate, a young child with access
to a gun, even if it is unloaded, will be absolutely captivated. And suddenly
there is a major threat to his own safety and that of others around them.
Through legislation and education of parents and children and the
community at large, this danger can be cut down, and at the moment, it
seems this is beginning to happen.
The other issue has to do with adolescents who are in deep emotional
trouble, and whose festering condition is so camouflaged that even experts
can’t see a disaster in the making. This in spite of the fact that in almost
every case it later comes out that there were those near them who had
strong indications that something was terribly wrong.
Almost every adolescent killer had confided in someone that he wanted
to be dead, or wanted to kill a lot of people.

Feeling Blue, Seeing Red
It seems to me all the publicity about young men who go on a killing spree
in their schools has ignored a core factor that could explain the behavior:
Few have touched on the possibility that clinical depression is at work in
these cases.
True, a youth may be rebellious, he may get angry, he may feel, with or
without justification, that he is an outcast. Many suffer this. But not many
are likely to plan and carry out a massacre unless there is a strong
pathology that should be apparent at some stage before there is an
We associate depression with adults, but this is deceptive. For some
reason, our culture and our times are producing more and younger victims
of this type of mental disorder. This must be looked into along with gun
more from Hugh:

Inside the Collecting Mind
What Makes Us Hunt and Gather?

By Hugh Downs
N E W Y O R K, March 26 — Normally, when we
want something, we set about to acquire it. And
when we’ve got it, our desire for it is satisfied.
Last month I needed a new electric shaver. I bought
one, and will not buy another until this one wears out or
breaks down. I am not a collector of electric shavers.
I am, however a collector of early American handguns.

Open-Ended Obsessions
Amassing a collection of anything shows an open-ended appetite. My
question is: What’s responsible for such a drive?
Imelda Marcos, wife of the late Philippine dictator, collected shoes —
in great quantities. There was psychological speculation at the time that
she had a neurotic fear of being barefoot. Even if this was true, it certainly
doesn’t explain other collectors and collections (surely most aren’t driven
by fear).
But there is an undeniably neurotic quality to such behavior.
I don’t say this to be critical: I have long believed quality of life is
powered by mild obsessions. When you love someone or something,
some issue or cause or era, it can be a source of great pleasure. It can
provide zest and powerful satisfaction. And it may show up as a desire to
own objects related to the cherished idea. It may cause you to collect.

Have Gun, Will Travel (for Another)
I wondered for years why I collected early American handguns — I have
no real interest in ballistics, and I don’t intend to shoot anyone. I even lost
my taste for hunting years ago, so I’m not a gun nut.
But I do think I know why possession of some of these period
firearms has an endless fascination for me. My father’s older brother was
a peace officer in El Paso, Texas and carried a Colt Single Action Army
revolver, a six-shooter patented in 1871. When he visited in Ohio he never
showed it, but once my Aunt Cornelia took it out of a drawer and showed
it to me. I think I was about four. This was a .45-caliber pistol, and she
wanted me to be impressed by the size of the bullets. I remember she
dropped a .32-caliber cartridge through one of the chambers of the
cylinder to show the enormous diameter of the slug. (I don’t think my
aunt packed a .32, but she had one of those cartridges).
I am now fairly certain that the effect of my aunt’s demonstration was
so profound that this is why, in my early 20s, after the idea had germinated
for almost two decades, I decided I needed to own at least one of these
guns. To me there is beauty in the Victorian curve of the handle and the
way the other parts are designed and assembled.
I doubt Samuel Colt thought of himself as an artist. He was merely
designing an efficient and durable weapon.

Curious Possessions
Once I found one and possessed it, was I satisfied?
No. I gradually got more… an 1851 Navy, an 1860 Army, a Colt
Dragoon, a Buntline (a Colt with a 16-inch barrel), and a few more 1871s.
And though I haven’t bought any lately, I know I will again see one that I
will either covet or try to get hold of.
And I’m sure what I’m in love with here is really the last four decades
of the 19th Century. There are other things about that era that I find
attractive, even though I have no wish to have lived in those years, and I’m
grateful for the progress — political, social, medical, and technological that
has taken place since then.
If you are a collector maybe you have a different or better explanation
for why we do this.
But doesn’t it beat boredom?
I haven't been able to verify the Assault Weapons commentary (which, it is claimed, dates from June 1997), but I have found plenty of reason to believe that Hugh Downs is pro-RKBA, and at least leans toward libertarianism. Also, ABC News Perspective is a radio show; there doesn't seem to be an online archive for it. Here's an anti-BATF commentary that Hugh Downs did on the show.

Protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms!

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited January 13, 2000).]
Hugh has written other pieces like this so I believe he is one of the few objective media stars out there. Way to go, Hugh! :D

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG