Huge Bear!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
A local buddy of mine got an email with the following info:

"You've got to check out the size of this bear.
Let's go hunting...The attached pictures are of a guy who works for the forest service in Alaska. He was out deer hunting. A large...large world record Griz charged him from about 50 yards away.

The guy unloaded a 7mm Mag Semi-auto into the bear and it dropped a few feet from him. The thing was still alive so he reloaded and capped it in the head.

It was over one thousand, six hundred pounds, 12'6" high at the shoulder*. It's a world record. The bear had killed a couple of other people. Of course, the game department did not let him keep it. Think about it. This thing on its hind legs could walk up to the average single story house and could look on the roof at eye level."

* Standing erect? Art


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WOW, too bad Sarah Brady wasn't in the forest, I would have loved to see her shrill and panically ask if anybody had a gun on them...

That's one big mo-fo of a bear. I'd wet my pants if that thing came charging...
Sorry guys - Here is the truth about the bear

The Truth:
Thanks to our readers, the truth about these pictures has been found. The facts are a little
different from the eRumor, but the pictures do record the results of a true hunt and are real.

The original pictures lacked the label linking them with, but that is where
the pictures reside. They were posted by a hunter who used the nickname Dalliwacker, on, but who is, according to published articles, Jim Urban. He says that the
bear was actually ten feet high and weighed between 1,000 and 1,200 pounds. He says the bear
did not stand up then drop down and charge. It showed no aggression at all. He did not "empty"
his rifle into the bear. He also says the
bear was not shot on Hitchenbrook Island but, like all good hunters, he won't be specific about
where he got it
That is actually an "urban" myth bear. It's a middlin' sized brown bear shot by an Air Force guy on Montague (I think) Island just off the Kenai Peninsula - if not Montague it was some other island in that general area.
He had sent that picture around to friends who passed it to others, who passed it to others, etc, etc, and with each telling the story morphed into something else.

Newspapers in Alaska were chuckling about the story earlier this year and interviewed the guy who actually shot it. The only unique thing about this bear was that it was a bit large for the location it was shot. I think it was about a ten footer which is more typical of bears found further west on Kodiak or the Alaska Peninsula.

Here's an interesting true bear story:

Popular bear shot, killed on second floor of hotel
DEADHORSE: Male grizzly 'Toby' was a bit too adept at opening doors.

A male grizzly, known to oil patch workers and state biologists as Toby, dined on uneaten cheeseburgers, fries and chicken Mornay Monday night before a police officer, standing between the animal and a crowd of hotel guests, shot it. (Photo by Gregory Rintala)


Click on photo to enlarge

By Doug O'Harra
Anchorage Daily News

(Published: October 16, 2002)
Up in Deadhorse, they say Toby was just a popular bear gone bad, a grizzly doomed by a knack for opening doors -- and a taste for french fries.

The big male bear well known to oil patch workers and state biologists was killed about 8:30 p.m. Monday on the second floor of the Prudhoe Bay Hotel, after it approached a police officer standing between the animal and a crowd of hotel guests.

North Slope Borough officer Don Grimes had been trying to shoo the animal toward an exit, when the bear darted into a hotel room, then reversed course, said hotel manager Joree Lawson. She had watched from the other end of the hall.

A man apparently took a picture from the stairwell nearest the bear, possibly frightening the animal further, said state biologist Dick Shideler.

When the bear was less than 10 feet away, Grimes had no choice but to fire his shotgun, Lawson said.

"It looked like he was going to charge," Lawson said. "Toby was never aggressive, but I felt it could have gotten ugly."

"I really can't make any comment other than to say that the decision was made and it was in protection of life," Grimes added later. "It wasn't a fun one."

The bear had probably gotten into the hotel through an unlatched arctic entry, Lawson said. Once upstairs, the bear nosed into rooms and rummaged through trash cans containing uneaten cheeseburgers, fries and chicken Mornay.

"I walked up and looked around the corner. He had his head in the garbage can and was sitting there eating away," said Greg Rintala, a tool salesman from Denver on a trip to the Slope. "It was more a media event" than something scary, he said.

The 710-pound, 10-year-old bear with silvery shoulder patches had a fairy-tale origin. Orphaned at age 1 when its mother was struck by a truck, Toby lived out its life as one of about 45 bears monitored by state biologists in a research project, its lime green and pink ear tags easily identified.

News of Toby's death saddened Deadhorse regulars on Tuesday, said Les Dunbar, who runs the Prudhoe Bay Post Office and pins up photographs of local celebrity bears.

"Toby, he was the big boy up here -- he was dad to most of the babies," Dunbar said.

"He was the biggest boar that people saw in the oil field," said Becky Kelleyhouse, a wildlife technician working on the state's Prudhoe Bay Grizzly Project. "He was fairly non-aggressive, and he was habituated to people. So people had a lot of pictures of him."

A few years ago, garbage bears were a major nuisance in Deadhorse, six miles from the Arctic Ocean at the entrance to the oil complex. Then North Slope Borough installed electric and chain-link fences at the landfill, and Deadhorse businesses began using bear-proof trash bins.

"There's been a remarkable turnaround," Shideler said.

But Toby had been getting bolder, entering buildings and camps, raiding food in vehicles. On Sunday, the bear was seen raiding a warehouse break room, Kelleyhouse said.

"Even if he had gone out that door (of the hotel), he had exceeded our standard of behavior," Shideler said. "He's the seventh bear we've had to kill here in this type of situation. And they're all break-ins."

After skinning out Toby and donating his meat to North Slope villages, Shideler and Kelleyhouse discovered french fries, candy wrappers and many partly digested packets of hot apple cider mix in the bear's stomach.

"He'd actually gained a little over 220 pounds over the last two months, strictly from hanging around the buildings," Kelleyhouse said.

Doug O'Harra can be reached at do' and 907-257-4334.

Sorry dude, It's a big bear but not that big, mid sized at best. He did not charge he was shot with a .338 in the head once or twice and killed. I don't even know if he's big enough to qualify for in the top 100 for the record books.

And the best part is that the bear was shot legally on a license. A completely legit sporting kill. Kinda takes the air out of that one don't it.

If you want the facts you can speak to the hunter on talk to Daliwaker.

The 7mm story is Total BS the charge story is BS and whoever wrote it is an... well lets just say not a gentlemen:o
I never tried to judge a bear's weight from a photo. Howsomever, anything with that big a paw, that length of claws, is not something I'm gonna walk up to and kick in the rump.

As with pickemup trucks, when you weigh around 180 pounds, there ain't a lot of difference between a half-ton and a 3/4-ton when ya get run over.

:D, Art
You all have it wrong!

That "bear" was killed 17 years ago by Jim the midget. Turns out it was actually a holiday cinnimon bear passing out candy canes on 4th street in Chicago. Jim the midget clubed it to death with a half empty JD bottle. The pictures stayed private untill Jim the midgets death last year. Sadly he was electrocuted while trying to fish some toast out of the toaster while it was still plugged in. He would have lived through it except the ambulance crashed into a frozen river on the way to the hospital and sank to the bottom.

Im gonna miss that lil guy....
Keith Rogan,

This bear was shot 10 miles from my home. (Hinchinbrook Island near Cordova) Our local wildlife biologist (TFL'er Field-dressed) has seen the paper work on this bear as well as talked with Fish and Game about it becauase there was some suspicion as to why he didn't get the skull sealed here in Cordova.

This bear is not a hoax. It squared to about 10.5 ft. I won't give the exact mearsurements as I don't remember off-hand. You can call the biologist here @ 907-424-3215 and he can give you the stats and details about the bear.

Yeah, I know it's a real bear. It just didn't square 12 feet or break any records like the Internet hoopla was suggesting. Bears that size are taken every year and much larger ones as well.

Sorry, I didn't ready this line:

"It was over one thousand, six hundred pounds, 12'6" high at the shoulder*. It's a world record."

While it's a big bear that I would be super proud to have gotten, you're right that it's no freak of nature or even close to a world record.