HuffPo op-ed urges "gun-free" signs for homes


New member
I did a quick search and didn't see that anyone had posted about this yet.

In what would be great satire if it weren't unfortunately meant as a serious proposal, a GWU Law Prof writes in this Huffington Post op-ed piece that people should post "gun free" zones outside their homes. Fortunately, many of the commenters point out the ridiculousness of doing so.

I am still amazed that people can't understand the obvious--the fact that the Sandy Hook School was, in fact a "gun-free zone" not only did not prevent, but actually facilitated the massacre.
Oh. My. God. :eek:

When I told my 9-year-old about this, her immediate reaction was, "that will just tell criminals that they can safely break in. It basically means 'the bunnies don't have guns.' " (I like the saying, "Huntin's no fun when the bunnies have guns.")

If my 9-year-old gets it, how does it escape so much of the public?!?
"Spats, that's tragically funny. Your daughter is spot-on, and I would add that you've obviously been doing something right."

Way to go, I agree.
You beat me to it leadchucker, we should declare anti-RKBA peoples home gun free for them. :p I wouldn't do that to someone though, firstly because I don't live around any anti-gun people and secondly if someone broke in their home and hurt them I'd feel bad. I haven't ever been angry enough at a neighbor to feel like putting up a sign with that sort of sentiment. If I felt that way about a neighbor, I'd probably move. Of course if I couldn't afford to move and they were calling me baby killer because I'm in the NRA, I might get a little teed off.
That is laughable. What an idiot. That is really a good laugh.
It may have started with a tragedy, but that is real humor, there.
That was so stupid it was funny.
And every single reader that left a comment (50 at the time) agreed it was an incredibly dumb idea....many pointing out that those poor kids were already in a posted gun free zone. Guess the author isn't getting the response he counted on from the Huffington Post crowd. :D
I think, in the Christmas spirit, I would offer to help people put these signs up around their house.

I know I will offer to post one in my SIL's front yard next Tuesday when I start catching grief.
Nice sign, leadchucker. If it said "some of my neighbors" it would be better, then it wouldn't be targeting a specific house but would still get the idea across
Lawn Sign

One of my co-workers feels that there is absolutely no need for people to own guns. I suggested to her that she put a sign outside her house that says "This house has no guns". I got a momentary blank stare and I told her that her hesitation is precisely the reason why many people own guns. So that they will be less vulnerable. Then I asked her how successful the gov't has been in banning pot, cocaine, heroin and in preventing drunk driving. No amount of laws has ever stopped a criminal. No amount of gun control will either.

On another note, have you noticed how Wayne Lapierre has been vilified by the media for suggesting a police officer in every school? Yet the media has ignored Sen. Barbara Boxers suggestion that the National Guard be placed in every school.

My friends the country we once knew and loved is circling the drain.
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A law Professor suggested this? I guess stupidity knows no bounds. Education is not necessarily synonymous with intelligence.
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Hogeman & 12GaugeShuggoth: Thank you.

KMAX, no, education is not synonymous with intelligence. What may seem like a great idea in the ivory tower may not work so well among "the masses."
Wow, the article almost seems like a joke.

Ironically, to get to my rifles, a criminal can face up to three armed adults in my house.