HUD- and the REP from Indiana


New member
I watched C-span this afternoon. Looks like our preferential treatment to S&W was abandoned. I did not see the Second ammendment vote, but the first- denying funds to the gun preference- was defeated by 6 votes- too close. Oust the 37 republicans who wussed out and voted for Sensible Interstate Commerce Restrictions and Executive Priveledge Abuses.
When GOA sends out their "Repor Card," I will post the results. I know New York Repubs were against it. Big suprise.
This is what I was talking about over in the other thread called :Why Bush is so moderate on guns." But because of the knife in the back by our socialist government Clinton and Company...on the American Veteran's RKBA, have recanted to vote for Bush anyway. Was thinking about not voting at all. I dislike our political morons in DC, they don't do the will of the American people. WAKE UP AMERICA!