Huckabee: "A Deadlocked Convention is My Goal"


Moderator Emeritus

Insurgent Republican giving up dream of winning in primaries
By Jim Forsyth
Friday, February 22, 2008

In an interview with 1200 WOAI news during his stop in San Antonio, longshot Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee outlined a strategy which has him not winning the GOP nomination outright, but pushing the nomination to the September Republican National Convention, which he says will turn to him as the most ‘conservative alternative.’

The ‘brokered convention’ plan is in stark contract to Huckabee’s previous sunny predictions of a sweep to victory in the primaries and caucuses on the shoulders of adoring family values conservatives.

Huckabee said his ‘brokered convention’ strategy is predicated on a victory in Texas, the country’s largest Republican state.

“We think Texas is an important state,” Huckabee told me. “We know how important it is to win Texas.”

Huckabee says with an upset win in Texas, and a win in the Ohio Republican primary the same day, Huckabee could deny front runner John McCain the nomination in the primaries.

“If we win Texas, I think it changes the dynamics of this race. It could well go all the way to the convention. If the convention delegates pick the president, chances are they would pick the most conservative. I would be the one they would end up picking, if that’s the criteria.”

Despite the endorsement of McCain of Governor Rick Perry and both of the state’s Republican senators, a victory by Huckabee in the Texas Republican primary is a longshot, but is not out of the question. Social conservatives of the type who have flocked to the Huckabee candidacy control the levers of the Texas GOP, and have the ability to turn out large numbers of evangelical voters in early voting, and on primary day.

“I’m like one of those tiny little basketball teams in the Final Four, and nobody thought they could get there,” Huckabee said. “I think its a credit to the commitment of those who have been supporting me.”

Unfortunately, I can see McCain getting enough delegates for the nomination before the convention. I'm just hoping that Huckabee will have enough to steer the platform in the right direction a little bit.

Huckabee is the only true Republican running. McCain, Obama and Mrs. Bill Clinton are all Democrats.
All democrats, huh?

What's McCain's position on abortion? What about Hillbama's?

What's McCain's position on keeping President Bush's tax cuts in place? What about Hillbama's?

What's McCain's position on an assault weapon ban? What about Hillbama's?

How did McCain vote on the protection of lawful commerce in Arms Act? How did Hillbama vote?

What's McCain's position on the appointment of Supreme Court Justices? What about Hillbama's?

What's McCain's position on requesting earmarks to obtain pork spending for the State of Arizona? How many hundreds of millions of dollars of pork did Hillbama reserve?

Your statement that McCain is just like the Democrats is belied by the answers to the above questions.

I do dig Huckabee, though. At least he can play the guitar. :D
I don't quite get this. Basically it is saying that regardless of how the primary voters think, I'm going to try and screw with the nomination process. The best thing for the party is to have a clear victor. He is not saying he is staying in to keep his message out (whatever that is, I suppose you can hear the same message in church) but to force a brokered convention which he STILL wouldn't win. He is putting himself first, before party, before country. I now respect Mitt's bow-out a lot more. Sure, if it were close, but Huckabee is down in delegates 4:1...

Between all the finger pointing between followers of Ron Paul, Huckabee, McCain, etc it might be a good idea for y'all to read up on

And really, "Mrs. Bill Clinton"?
all or nothing primaries

I can imagine Huckabee is considering the all or nothing state primaries that has given McCain his lead. If the delegates were proportioned based on the vote of the people how much closer a race would it be between McCain and Huckabee? Should there be a close vote at the convention those delegates might get the opportunity to vote closer to the voter choices rather than the winner take all.

Its a desperate attempt of Huckabee's to believe he is going to change the opinions of the party to his side.
I agree, the only way Huck can do well is to hope for a brokered convention. I do not see that as trying to
screw with the nomination process

Romney has delegates pledged to him that he will not be using for the convention. Given thos delegates and the choice between McCain and Huckabee, I think that the delegates at the convention would choose Huckabee. He knows that, as well as McCain.

Hold in there Huck.

The best thing for the party is to have a clear victor.

Oh you mean like on the Democrat side...yea definite frontrunner there. :rolleyes:
Oh you mean like on the Democrat side...yea definite frontrunner there.

No. That's a terrible comparison. It obviously would be better for the Democrats also to have a clear front runner.
I don't quite get this. Basically it is saying that regardless of how the primary voters think, I'm going to try and screw with the nomination process. The best thing for the party is to have a clear victor. He is not saying he is staying in to keep his message out (whatever that is, I suppose you can hear the same message in church) but to force a brokered convention which he STILL wouldn't win. He is putting himself first, before party, before country. I now respect Mitt's bow-out a lot more. Sure, if it were close, but Huckabee is down in delegates 4:1...

I thoroughly disagree. He has stated numerous times that his real meaning of staying in the race is to give voters a voice in their vote. The best thing for the party isn't to have a clear victor. That's called showing one person to vote for on the ballot. Last I checked, that's basically dictatorship. Kinda like back in the old days of buying a Ford Model 'T' can have any color you want as long as it's black...

He isn't putting anything first except the voter. Romney bowed out for show, IMO. That's all. Just to save face...

ts a desperate attempt of Huckabee's to believe he is going to change the opinions of the party to his side.

Nope, he's giving the people a chance to have a voice of opinion...
The best thing for the party isn't to have a clear victor. That's called showing one person to vote for on the ballot. Last I checked, that's basically dictatorship. Kinda like back in the old days of buying a Ford Model 'T' can have any color you want as long as it's black...

No, that's what the primaries were for. There were tons of options. Huckabee is basically hanging around for a "Macaca" moment now.

Unless you think that in November there should be multiple republicans on the ballot. . . . Basically, having a single candidate would unify the party; they are in disarray now.

Nope, he's giving the people a chance to have a voice of opinion...

They've spoken. The reps do NOT need a contest that the dems are going through now.
No, that's what the primaries were for.
You realize that this *is* still the primaries, don't you? :confused:

I say good on him. I'm not a fan of his message, but I respect what he's doing. There are many benefits to a brokered convention, and chief among them IMO is that it's not just an alcohol-immersed formality.
Some much-needed change in the direction of the party is a real possibility.
Unless you think that in November there should be multiple republicans on the ballot

I would love to see multiple Republicans on the ballot. I am a member of the Republican party, but my primary has not happened yet. To think that the primary is supposed to pick the best candidate is ridiculous, I mean look at both the R and the D's top candidates, they all suck.

Basically, having a single candidate would unify the party; they are in disarray now.

No, I dont think it would. Having a single candidate AFTER the convention would unify the party against the opposing parties, but before then, its 'pickin time'

No. That's a terrible comparison. It obviously would be better for the Democrats also to have a clear front runner.

Agreed, I take that comment back.
No, that's what the primaries were for. There were tons of options. Huckabee is basically hanging around for a "Macaca" moment now. is STILL the primaries. Regardless if he's mathematically out or not, there are other states that should have the right to choose a candidate that they want...