
I liked my first one so well, I bought another one. I believe word is just getting out about these pistols, and from what I hear, prices are starting to increase somewhat in different places. I will be first in line when the 40 comes out.
Local dealer has them for $299. They look good.
I think I'm just waiting like the rest of us. Of course by then they'll be $400 and we'll all be talking like when SKS's were $89.
I would get one now but want another AK first.
Just ordered one as my duty weapon. I had a chance to shoot my friend's and was very impressed. Matched up well with the G-19 I once had but the grip angle and lower bore axis was better(IMHO)than the Glock. I paid $279.00 with 3 Hi-Caps (LEO). Can't wait till it arrives.
Really? When you get it - give it a good work out and let us know what you find.
I am very interested in the long term test drives of these puppies.