HS Precision Heavy Tactical Rifle


I received my HS HTR a few weeks ago (7mm Rem Mag) and topped it w/ my Leupold 4.5-14x40 tactical. I was excited b/c given HS' guarantee (<0.5 MOA) I figured this rifle would shoot that well consistently (w/ my Sendero I as a shooter am able to so that variable was accounted for).
I've been doing load development for 3 weekends now (using mainly Nosler 150gr ballistic tips and IMR's 4350,4831 and H4831SC and working back from the lands in terms of seating depth) and have yet to see it group consistently even AT 0.5" much less under. Maybe 1 group in 8 will be 0.3-0.4" but everything else is ~0.8-0.9". This is off front and rear sandbags and w/o wind.
Anyone else have any experience w/ the HS HTR? Defective? Bed the action (I've heard HS stocks need this....)? Ideas?
Rifle was cleaned q3 shots (using Butch's) for first 30 and now q12....

Dreamed I was an Eskimo.
Frozen wind began to blow.
Under my shoes and around my toes


First, welcome aboard TFL. Good to have new members. What part of The Great State you from? Spent some time up there in service of the Corps.

Now... to your problem. What I would do is call HS. Tell find out what ammo (probably Factory or get specific hand load data) they recommend. Try that load out. If you are still not getting the gaurenteed accuracy then talk to them again about the problem.

Still... .8MOA is nothing to scoff at... but there is that pesky guarantee.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

I have an HS 2000 series in the standard take-down configuration in 25-06 Ackley Improved. Shoots like a dream. The test target that came with the gun was .183" for 3 shots at 100 yds. There was load data on the target. I since worked up a much hotter load for the gun that shoots .25-.30" when I have a REALLY good day on the trigger. I'm running REAL close to a MAX!!!!! load and seating only about .005" off the lands.

It sure wouldn't hurt to check with H-S and ask for suggestions. They seemed real eager to help.

"Carry" on


I prefer armed combat to unarmed combat. It's easier on the knuckles.
I do not have the H.S. but do have the Sendero tried the Nosler BT 150GN. with IMR4350 and H4831SC just did not like them 1.5 inches at 100 yards 3.5 inches at 200 yards. Sendero shoots 1 inch at 200 yards with Sierra 160 HPBT and 140 SBT both GameKings bullets with Federal 215 primers and Reloader 22 powder. Have not tried the MatchKings yet. I feel that custom rifles and pistols are more for pride of ownership then being a good value considering what you pay for them. I know I went that route on a custom .45. Anyhow I have the same exact scope,... GREAT SCOPE! I feel Leupolds are a great value. Is I all I use. If you keep tinkering with your reloads you will find one that shoots great in your H.S. P.S. I have learned that rifles either love or hate Nosler BTs other people have told me that also., its too bad my Sendero does not like them with their high B.C. those things really slice through the air and hit hard. Good luck finding the right load.
Thanks for your posts,guys. I appreciate the help. I just got off the horn w/ HS and here's what Ben recommended:
*try Fed 210 primers (I use/like 215 Match). HS feels they've had better results....
*try Winchester brass (I use/like Fed)....

He suggested sticking w/the bullet they used (Nosler BT 150gr) but I'll also try Sierra's 160 HPBT and see how that groups...then load some up w/ the 210 primer and WW brass.
Heading out Wednesday afternoon so I'll let you know....

Schmit: My family has been in Soldotna, Alaska down on the Kenai Peninsula since '72...I grew up there. It's heaven. My favorite subject....

Update on getting this rifle to shoot as it should be able.
Spent 3.5 hours out in the corn field today doing load development. I give HS credit...the suggestion they made (stick w/ the Nosler 150gr. BT but use a Large Rifle primer instead of the Large Magnum Rifle primer I had been using...they feel with the Magnum that unless you're up over 85% case capacity you get uneven ignition...) worked. Two 3-shot groups of Nosler 150gr. BT on top of IMR 4350 61gr. and a Fed Match Large Rifle primer were 0.493 and 0.439 respectively.
Nothing else would consistently group under 0.8....
I know I should leave well-enough alone but being the perfectionist SOB I am I'm gonna see if I can't eek out a few more fps at 62 or 63 gr of 4350...if it flops I'll stick with what worked.
This HS HTR is now living up to its guarantee of <0.5 MOA @ 100 yds...plus it looks really cool :)
