HS Instructors on TFL?


New member
Hey, any other Hunter Safety instructors here on TFL? I'm schedule to do three classes (team teaching) in the next six weeks, gettting ready for the upcoming season.

Looks like I'll be doing the sections on Hunter Responsibility/Ethics, which I handle as a Q&A session in which I as the questions and the kids come up with answers, and the overview of Rifles, Shotguns, and Ammunition, a general show-and-tell focused on nomenclature and function. I include the Four Rules at the beginning, and get the class to shout "IS IT LOADED?" every time I pick up a new firearm, then show them how to clear and check it. Focus in all of it is: safety, Safety, SAFETY!

What are you teaching, and what do you include? I know that most states have a syllabus you're to follow, but what do you do to "personalize" the materials? Any "tricks of the trade" you'd care to share? How about good links to HS sights?
I teach Hunter Ed here in Tucson, AZ. I've been assigned to do the handgun portion of the class. I';m certified for both firearm and bowhunting. and am one of the range oficers on "range day." I also do some of the demonstrations at the range using handguns vs archery. I also demonstarte why semi-auto handguns can still be dangerous after removing the magazine and not working the slide to clear the chamber. Another big favorite is demonstrating "5 beans in the wheel." You know, loading only five rounds in old fashioned Colt style single actions.
I'd probably end up doing more, but we have a large groups of volunteers here and we have to spread the wealth.
My next groups will start on August 15th.
To be honest with you, I think it's been a hell of a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to doing this for a long time to come, the Good Lord a willin'.
Paul B.
I'm in the process of becoming a hunter ed instructor, and have taught portions of the class with Instructor Coordinator. His keeps bugging me to finish up so I can teach my own classes. Doesn't help/hurt that his office is next door to mine:D. However right now it's on hold while I'm in school.

I actually enjoy teaching it and think it's a wonderful thing to pass on the information to the future generations who will sharing the woods with us.
I just obtained my certification (still waiting on my packet). Not really assigned anything specific. Waiting for an opportunity to assist with a big class and will teach whatever I'm asked to. I prefer Long Gun portion, or archery. Both of which I'm much more knowledgable. But, I have been an instructor (non-hunter ed.) in other areas, so as long as I have a guideline, I shouldn't have too many problems.
Glad to hear others are joining the ranks; welcome aboard! I've found that teaching has been thoroughly enjoyable. Love talking with the kids, especially responding to their questions. They ask good ones!

Had a ball Tuesday eve, when I did the rifles and shotguns portion of the class. Got to do a show-and-tell with some of my long guns (always cool). Lots of good interaction, and several good follow up conversations during the break. Tonight, back for the second night of the course. No "up front" responsibilities tonight ... others on the team are taking the lead. But will still have lots of time to chat and chip in. Course wraps up on Saturday with our field exercises.