HP Mag questions (again)


New member
Okay, here we go again.

1. SA 17 rnd Mags

As several of you know, I have 4 17rnd SA mags for my BHP, and the gun was having difficulty stripping the first round or so out of the mags. I increased the strength of the recoil spring from standard to 18.5# and this seems to have solved the problem on 3 of the 4 mags.

The 4th mag still snags occasionally (in truth I have not yet put enough rounds through it since the spring switch to tell if it is a significant problem or not), and it has developed a new twitch: The slide fails to lock back on this magazine about every other time. Recommendations? Just a bad mag?

2. This is a new one. HP Inglis mags...is their capacity 13 or 14? I ask since I was kinda mindlessly putting rounds in the mag, I stopped when it was full. I slid it into the gun, racked the slide, and fired away. 14 shots.


I counted empty spaces in the box. 14 empties. And NO, I didn't rack, eject and top off the mag- I counted the next mag and sure enough; 14 went in, easily.

Normally I would say this would indicate a 14 round capacity (:D), but I was pretty sure they were standard 13 rnd mags. Ideas?

Hello. It could possibly be a "bad" 17 rnd magazine on the SA, but this is one of the few. IF this turns out to be the case, mark it and use it for range only.

I have a half-dozen Ingles magazines and all hold 14 rnds.

Don't know about Inglis magazines; but it isn't uncommon for a Hi-Power magazine to hold 14 rounds. I have a whole mess of various brands and a couple of them will hold 14 rounds instead of 13.
Re: the SA 17 rnder: Thats kinda what I thought. Like I said, not enough shooting with it to be certain.

Re: the inglis beinga 14 round mag: okay then! :D Bonus!

Yes the Inglis mags hold 14. They are ment to. I am in the Canadian military and I once was a weapons instructor and so my knowledge is not weak on the subject. Not bragging just want you to know where my info is from. Personaly I think the Inglis mags are weak in the lips and are therefore unreliable.

any other thoughts on that? Moe's comment would be the first negative I've heard about them, but I'm also the guy who thought their capacity was 13. ;)
