How's this for an unbiased poll?


New member
"All the Republican candidates for president favor weakening the laws that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children. Do you support or oppose strengthening gun safety laws, like trigger locks and background checks?"

Check this site out for some experiences of people trying to vote:

Oops. John Hunter has already posted this. I tried to delete it but couldn't.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.

[This message has been edited by Oatka (edited January 05, 2000).]
Originally posted by Oatka:
"All the Republican candidates for president favor weakening the laws that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children. Do you support or oppose strengthening gun safety laws, like trigger locks and background checks?"

just messin' with the new stuff.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Oops. John Hunter has already posted this. I tried to delete it but couldn't.[/quote]

Don't worry about it, It could have just as easily been the other way around. :) I'm just glad to see that others also spotted this one. Now watch this poll vanish like the previous one when the numbers start going the wrong way for the DNC!

John - NRA - Lifer
I just voted, got a screen that said "Thank you for voting".

No numbers, no indication if my vote was counted, just "Thank you for voting" :D

Geoff Ross
I think you would be better off answering these DNC polls the way they would want you to. The DNC is known for having "focus groups" help them identify "hot" phrases and use them in the election rhetoric to appeal to fringe voters. Remember, in the last presidential election, Clinton borrowed most of the conservative issues to convince people he was a "moderate". Why would the DNC run polls on their own website? Isn't this preaching to the choir?

I note that the poll is not available in the Spanish edition of the web page. Maybe they feel they already have that vote. I think all we are doing by answering this poll is giving them issues they will not address, or will address falsely, in order to win. By answering with their preferred answer, we allow them to use issues that will harm them in the election (and show their true nature).

Just a thought.

I tdon't matter, they are going to post what they want anyway.

look at their past polls-all in there favor.

If it's not in their favor they will can it, or alter it.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
I voted "opposed" and expected the "vote" icon to start moving around when I tried to submit the vote. the little window came up to thank me for my vote but I think it had "you must be a Republican" in white on white text/bkgd.
I tried to vote against more gun control and they falsely indicated that their records indicated I had already voted! Watch out for serious election fraud in 2000!


Teach a non-shooter to shoot. Educate a voter.
The poll "seems" to be gone. New poll askes if you want them to pass "sensible gun safety reform." The problem they don't know what is "sensible"
I would like sensible gun safety reforms.... But we have a pres who can argue "is" and "that"
Well, which would you rather have? Good, decent, gun control laws or a truckload of crazed lunatics shooting, cooking and eating dead orphans?