Howa 1500


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I am interested in buying a howa 1500 in .243 win at a local gun shop the price seems reasonable at $359 it has bases and scope mounts included. it would be used for deer hunting and possibly the occasional groundhog. i am not familiar with this brand and any input is welcome.
Howa is a Japanese manufacturer that makes all sorts of things, including industrial machinery. They also make rifles for various companies, including for Weatherby. The Weatherby Vanguard is made by Howa.

They're good rifles with lots of aftermarket support. I bought one several years ago as a gift for a nephew and he loves it. When I was testing the rifle, three of us shot two shots each at the same target. We got a six-shot group that measured 1.25 inches. That's three shooters, two shots each on one target. We were using green-box Remington ammo.

I've got MY rifles, but I pick up the occasional rifle from the used gun racks when the price is right, for grandkids and as loaner rifles. I would not hesitate to pick up another Howa rifle.
I have three of them... including the one pictured below... they are excellent shooters... I would buy it for that price.

I have the 1500 Thumbhole Varminter Supreme, and it is an extremely accurate rifle with handmade ammo. Highly recommended.
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.. Welcome

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.. Maybe posts will come easier/quicker now:confused:
I'd have forgotten my password after 6 years.

I like the Howa rifles. The Weatherby Vanguard is built using the same action, but with slightly different safety's, bolts, barrels, and triggers. I actually prefer the Howa 3 position safety to the Vanguard 2 position. They are usually very accurate.

My only complaint is that they along with the Vanguard are the heaviest production actions commonly available and make for a heavy rifle. If you want a lightweight there are better options. If weight is not a concern they are excellent choices.
emn, 2/24/11

I also like Howa 1500's but had some problems with mine. I bought mine new in 30-06 chambering in December of 2009. When loading Speer 150 grain Spitzer tip boat tail bullets with the recommended overall length in the Speer manual the bolt would not go all the way in. I measured the distance from the breach to the start of the lands and the chamber seemed too short. To get the bullet ogive off the lands I had to trim back the brass shorter than recommended (2.480" instead of the minimum 2.484" and definetely under the max. case length of 2.494") and use a shorter overall cartridge length than recommended. This worked well so that the bolt would move fully into battery with the short chamber.

The other problem was that is was inaccurate with its new Leupold VX-3 scope. I couldn't get it to shoot under 2 and 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards. Moving the bullet ogive off the lands varying distances didn't help. Finally I looked at the barrel crown and it looked OK. I recrowned the barrel anyway as I was running out of options and the groups dropped to 1 and 1/4 inches. In other words recrowning the barrel cut the grouping in half and improved accuracy to an acceptable level for hunting.

In summary- I really like my Howa 1500 but there were some problems with a short chamber and uneven crown affecting accuracy. Returning the rifle to the manufacturer was not an easy option for me as it would cost from $50-70 each way from my remote location. I would buy another one though.

best wishes- oldandslow
I have one in 30-06 & this thing shoots like a sniper rifle ! Highly recommend one !

1st post after 6 years!

I've got 2 Howas. One in 308 and the other in 300 Win Mag.

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Yesterday, 11:12 PM #7
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.. Welcome

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.. Maybe posts will come easier/quicker now
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Yesterday, 11:15 PM #8
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You guys make me laugh.:D Lord knows he won't post for another 6 years again now:eek:
I had a Howa in .223 and it was a great shooter, always worked, good deal! I think it's one of the best "budget" rifles out there and with a hinged floorplate to boot!

Crappy pic but I really like mine. Trigger was better than good but not Timney. Only one complaint...the stock is Gumby flexible at the front stud area. Using my bipod, the weight of the barrel makes the stock touch. I was worried about this until I shot it. .81" five shoot group first time on bags in gusty winds...

I would buy another one with no second thoughts. CDNN has them on special now.

NIB standard barrels for $329 I believe and Varmint/targets for $399.

I have one in 30-06. If you buy one, the first thing you should do is replace the stock aluminum scope mounts and rings with steel.
Thanks guys for all the positive feedback. I have decided to get the rifle i will let ya'll know how it shoots when I get it.