How young is to young?


New member
After i saw the post about being to old for competition shooting, I figured someone should ask about being to young. Im 15 years old(16 pretty soon), and I was wondering if there was any reason I couldn't try IDPA shooting. IM sure that i can twist my dad's arm enough to take me if it is allowed, and I'm sure my dad would enjoy it if he tried it. Can anyone help me out here? I went to the web site, but im still not sure wether it would be a good idea to try it. Thanks for your time :)
I'm sure you would both have a lot of fun. I shoot with a couple of teenagers (12 and 15) and their father, and they're a lot more consistent than some of the shooters in their 30's and 40's. I think you might be better off starting with IPSC though; IDPA most often requires concealment, and until you get your basic skills down pat, drawing from cover adds more stress and more that can go wrong. Speed and accuracy will come as you get more comfortable.