I've been wondering about that one myself. IF GWB gets the office, then it may be in our best interest. IF Bore gets it, then the emerson case is going to bite us in the backside. The current administration states that the 2nd IS NOT an individual right. If Bore gets in, and appoints his type of justices, then the 2nd will be "reworded" to their (governments) current definition and then there will be NOTHING to stop registration, confuscation, etc.. EO's will be issued on a grand basis and with our current Congress (having NOT vetoed or struck down ANY EO's that klinton has issued) will do nothing about it.
One thing to think about (you know, make plans for the best situation and for the worse) is civil disobedience. Like they are doing in Canada, where even the police are starting to change their minds about that money eating database. Of course, Canada doesn't have the BATF, FBI, IRS, SS, INS, etc.. on hand to beat down the doors of ordinarily law abiding citizens and shoot them on sight.
If things do go this way, we are going to find out who has fortitude and who doesn't. They will go with the scare tactic of killing a few of us to make the others comply.