How will NY IPSC/IDPA conform?


New member
Standard course of fire with more mag changes, or do you think meets in NY State will be allowed to alter the courses of fire to comply with 7 round mags?
There is no "standard course of fire" other than the Classifier which is built on six shot strings anyhow.

New York MDs can set up CoFs as they like, within IDPA guidelines.
There is no need to fudge things to accommodate local conditions.
You will get 7+1 and 2X7 reloads, 22 rounds to get a maximum of 18 hits.

It might pay to stash some full size mags with a friend in a less repressive jurisdiction to use when you travel out of state.
USPSA (IPSC in the USA) classifier strings tend to be short, so 7-rd mags are not a big disadvantage, especially since you can start 7+1. Remember, the original 1911 had 7 rd mags. I expect more New Yorkers going Single Stack and Revolver. (Is a moon-clip considered a magazine under NY law? S&W 627 holds 8 rounds)

USPSA match stages, other than classifiers, can be designed with whatever round count per shooting position, up to 8, per the rules. Dropping that to 6-7 is not a big deal.

Or do what the Texas AG said; move to Texas.
Or do what the Texas AG said; move to Texas.

That was my thoughts exactly.

It looks like single stack division may become the most popular division in NY.

I recall back when I was shooting competition there was this judge from Canada that had his mags rigged so he could use them in the states at full capacity, however when he got ready to go back across the border they would only hold 10 rounds.

I ask him if that was legal, he said no, go figure.

I'll bet law enforcement officers in NY still have guns with mags that have more then a 7 round capacity.
I view that as violation of state law.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
They discovered that there was no exemption for armed government employees in the original secret fast tracked bill. But you may be sure that will be rectified in the future and ignored until then.
Yeah, I though that the lack of active LE exemption was a sign of how fast they rammed this through the legislature.

They will revise the law to exempt active LE, but I wonder about retired LE having to turn in their High Cap Glock mags for the new and improved non-existant 7-rd mags for their G17 and G19 pistols.

I wonder if there will be enough of a niche market to make an acceptable Return on Investment for a mag manufacturer to tool up and make a mag that no-one except a NY resident will want to purchase.

Then again, that may very well be the reason behind the 7-rd cap.
But you may be sure that will be rectified in the future and ignored until then.

You know... I might be inclined to make a citizens arrest for the felony posession of an illegal magazine next time I am in NY... first state trooper I see. Wonder how that would play out in court?

It's good at times to be too old to give a ****.. :rolleyes:


Yeah, I though that the lack of active LE exemption was a sign of how fast they rammed this through the legislature.

Just another good example of back alley politics.

There should be no exemption for law enforcement, if there is then the NY legislators are just as much hypocrites as Obama is.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Talking to a regional director that is part of the rules re-write. They have no idea at the current time.

The 10 round limit for SSP for example was to accommodate the Californians. It is doubtful the whole show would change for NY or MA (if they go this way). Thus, shooters in those areas won't be able to practice typical scenarios in many shooting disciplines.

You can shoot revolvers, at least - till NY goes to single shot muskets.

I'm sure Gov. Cuomo would be happy if such blood thirst sports disappear.
The 10 round limit for SSP for example was to accommodate the Californians.

Not at first.
IDPA was founded in 1996 with the AWB 1994-2004 in full swing.
The 10 round SSP and ESP limits were to conform with federal law affecting the whole country.

You might say that the 10 round limit was kept in place after the AWB expired in 2004 to accomodate California... and Canada, and maybe some other places that had their own capacity restrictions with a "level playing field."
Or that it was kept in place to maintain the rules, procedures, and records of 8 years of operation.
In more than one discussion of the law, people have claimed that grandfathered 10-round mags can be loaded to ten at "sanctioned competitions", or some such. It could be that someone got it wrong, and they told two friends, and they told two friends, or there could be something to it.
We're not sitting down. We have a state senator with a petition with over 100,000 signatures, numerous firearm organizations looking at the legal aspects of the law, and we the people are showing our discontent with protests. Don't worry, we're on it. There is supposed to be a protest at all state capitals through out the US on Feb.8, you going?
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It looks like there is a provision in the law that says if you are at a range or competition, you may load a 10 round mag (that was purchased before April 15, 2013) to 10 rounds. Once you leave the range, you must load down to 7.

So, it looks like IDPA can go untouched. However, USPSA will lose limited and open divisions.

It looks like there is a provision in the law that says if you are at a range or competition, you may load a 10 round mag (that was purchased before April 15, 2013) to 10 rounds. Once you leave the range, you must load down to 7.

So, it looks like IDPA can go untouched. However, USPSA will lose limited and open divisions.


... and I see an opening! Just declare your house to be an IDPA stage, and load those standard cap mags up! Oh wait that's only if you're an "only one" in NY ... :mad: