How true is this?


New member
I found this inside an article I was reading, and would like to hear everyones thoughts on how true this is.I found it here:

Silent Rage

If the polls can be believed, 35 percent of American adults are in a condition of silent rage at a system manipulated by a virtual politics in a virtual reality to the point where they feel disenfranchised and excluded in an atmosphere of imposed increasing social madness. They are characterized by statistical consistent cluster in which they hate what they consider to be a degenerate leftist/counterculture-infiltrated educational system. They are ready to explode over law suits ruling they must install gay scoutmasters in the Boy Scouts in spite of the fact there have been several recent
incidences where such leaders sexually abused boys under their leadership. They hate a political system which increasingly assumes the premise that they are now assumed to be possessions of a state where the individual increasingly exists only for totally conformist servitude to a voraciously controlling and demanding social group whose members sublimate and displace the frustrations resulting from their own conformity upon their neighbors in the form of an authoritarian sadism upon the individual rather than at the entire powerful system.
They are furious over media virtual-representation by prearranged assigned voices 1,000 miles away who supposedly speak for them and are the only ones recognized.They do not want an imposed authoritarian liberal social agenda They are
desperately and seriously seeking another solution and voice.
They are not opposed to armed revolution if opportunity loosens things up to permit it
and coordination becomes established. Guns will be their voice.

They come off like kooks because when asked what is wrong they either stammer with rage or provide a flood of a backlog of 20 years of exasperation. They've basically been driven to barely containable exasperation. When they explode, ridiculing liberals laugh and call the irrational.

Beyond the 35 percent another probable 20 percent are secretly ready,passively hoping a massive rebellion will occur, or who will become willing participants should the social condition become such that it no longer enforces their repressed condition and they feel released to act.
Basically, America is ready to explode, and has been for 35 years. The
explosion has been counteracted and held in check by the liberal media.
If someone in sympathy were given editorial control of one of the major
networks and were to label the potential rebellion as a constitutional or
freedom-rights movement while providing articulate advocated sympathetic TV news and discussion coverage that Martin Luther King or members of the leftist movements received during the 60s, there would be armed
rebellion in America within a year. There is probably no serious doubt of it anywhere.
The motivation and potential is there. Large portions of Americans have been ready to explode for years. If a sense of direction and coordination develop, there could be a revolution and civil war. The angry
disenfranchised sit at home cleaning their rifles in the privately held wish that one day they get a chance to send a bullet in their tormentors' direction.

I think alot of what he says is true, that many people are waiting for some type of revolution to occur. I hope it never happens, but I do think it could happen with the way things are being run in this country today...What do you think?
I think it is a lot of excessive agrandizement (is that a word?)for the common frustration and lack of coping skills exhibited in any parking lot of a major department store that is having a "Day After Thanksgiving Sale"...
Thanks for the post, it's a keeper. I do agree with most of what he says and especially his last comment, "The gun problem in America is not a problem with guns, but with madness and disrespect for other people."
More important, do the liberals believe this? If so, it explains their fear of the conservative gun owner. May explain the step-up in gun control legislation being passed.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I agree with his assessment of the reasons for this political climate and the erosion of our society. I don;t know about the numbers he mentions in the last section - 35%, but I do know that there are alot of people who think this way. Alot more than most people think. I meet them everyday - literally. It is strange how I meet so many of them. They are everywhere, it is just that no one really talks about it in the open. This article might be truer than even we realize. Maybe.
35% + 20% = 55% of the voting population. Revolutionary tinderbox? What percentage voted in the last election? I agree that over half of the "eligible" (a mercurial term) voters are enraged. The problem is so many are still angry because someone else has not been properly fleeced to compensate for their own inadequacy as an individual. 30% of the voting puplic is not enraged enough to show up on election day. Most of those that do show up are more concerned with what the world owes them than protecting what they have earned or the rights they were born with (RKBA,example). The rest let the talking heads vicariously vote for them and tell them what to care about.
What the country needs is an honest
leader, not out to screw the people by
business as usual. Not a Demo crat and not a turn coat republican . The two party system is full of currupt politicians.

Some honest leaders come to mind :
Sen. Bob Smith, Rep Bill Barr , Alan Keyes,
Pat Buchanin.

Problem is none of honest people will
be electable. Even Keyes has a slim chance of getting the repukelickcan nomination and I
would be afraid the republicans would corrupt him ,once he got in office.

I hate to say it, but Bush is probably
as much as we can have a chance of electing.

Who is it that says: The lesser of two evils
is still evil. That about sums up Bush.
Gun Control Lite. Still, better than
registration,licensing and Konfiscation that we will get from either Gore or Bradly, the 2 anti - self defense- Dumbocraps.

What requires doing is to get the Federal Govt out of the business of running
our lives, out of our pockets and to restore
our Constitutuional Rights as they were originally honored 200 years ago.

Unauthorized phone taps, random safety stops,probable cause searches without warrants, no knock raids with blank warrants
or no warrants,gun control, turn in your neighbor gun laws, registration,licensing,konfiscation, 68%
combined city ,state & federal tax rates,
ALL federal agencies authorized to carry pistols,not just FBI,CIA & BATF.
Improper application of existing laws,
abusive government agencies constantly & continiously trampling on law abiding citizens civil rights & liberties, the attitude that you are guilty until proved innocent, instead of the other way around
as it should be, abuses of athority.

Politicians making promises to get elected and then the first chance they get ,
breaking all their promises to their constituents and doing just exactly as they please or as some one has paid them to do.

Intrusive Govt agencies.Intrusive laws.
Has anyone tried to register a motor boat lately in Conn. A nightmare. Police confiscating your money,your car and your home and then saying :If you want to get it back, proove it didnt come from drug money.

Lawsuits against honest & law abiding citizens by agencies like enviremental protection and atf that make citizens go
bankrupt fighting trumphed up charges in court and then having to accept sentencing only because they ran out of enough money
to prove their inocence. Even if they do prove their innocence, they are nearly bankrupted by the suits.
And now our govt has taken this tatic to the next step and applied it to the entire gun industry.

Anyone with an ounce of brains left over after public school brainwashing tecniques, should be able to tell what is wrong with this picture.

We have a power crazed government which is on a control freak trip and is out of control.

On the other hand we have a vast majority of dumbed down "citizens" that never even learned of the right of self defense.
They think guns are bad and go off by
themseves ,just the way my car "drives off" by itself...NOT!
These voting sheeple's idea of self defense is to cower in a puddle of their own urine and give in. They deligate the responsibility of their defense to the police
and when the police dont respond , that degalation costs them their lives.

How many must die ,needlessly, before
the sheeple will finally realise that the police can not protect them and decide to arm them selves and accept the responsibilty for
saving their own lives.

Finally, this rant and two one dollar bills, will buy you a cup of coffee.
The below sentence got detatched from its proper place in the rant. You can enjoy yourself seeing where it fits in best.

More & more laws, one on top of the next,
day after day ,year after year.
The purpose of guns is to save lives by terminating violence. Guns are used less than 1%, to kill.

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
That's a heck of a compliment. Thank you.

My lack of qualifications and plethora of disqualifications make your compliment unworkable.

I'm not glib. I can't think on my feet well enough to debate the likes of politicians. Add my big mouth and checkered past and I would be worse off than Jesse Ventura. ;)

Now if you want me to make somebody an offer they can't refuse...... :D :D

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
This is why you saw a stampede to Perot the first time around. People are SICK AND TIRED of the current bunch. That's also why you see a Jesse Ventura get elected -- he's outside the system.

That's why people don't vote, despite all the exhortations -- they have no real choice.

Every time the media bewails the low turnout, I write to them suggesting that "None Of The Above" be put on the ballot.
If NOTA wins, there's a run off with two NEW candidates. (Great way to flush out the encumbents.) THEN watch how many show up! They never print it.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Where is Henry Bowman?

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
In response to the original quote;

That guy needs to register his THESAURUS!

That is not how you convey this thought to the masses... As for *what* he's saying, I agree. My brother is adequately 'disenfranchised' as to refuse to vote entirely. The power to overcome liberal media who control the minds of the unthinking masses is what will prevent us from garnering trust of the middle-ground 'sheeple'. It has been this way for a long time, and certainly is not likely to change.
Mendocino, Amen to that.

Does anyone here shoot skeet with a .375?

What we need is someone to take the lead as Dennis said, I feel the masses will follow. As to the 35%, I think the number is higher than that. Think about your last conversations on the street. Everyone I talk to seems upset at government intervention in personal lives, tax burden, and laws that tell us what we have to do to live here.

Would a Henry Bowman please step-up, his country needs him.

They teach conformity, it equals servitude, and that leads to genocide based not on race but resistance,
