How to tell what date a norinco sks was made?


New member
I picked up a norinco sks way back in august and im not sure how to tell what date it was made. :confused:

The only things i see are a symbol with chinese writing with the numbers 2307299 and numbers on the stock (07295) if needed i can post pics
the rule of thumb for chinese SKS is that if the serial number is 7 digits, the first digit is the amount of years since 1956, in your case 2, so your chinese SKS should be a 1958 production. obviously there is more to it but that is the basic gst of it that works on a large number of chinese SKS. here is a thread that does into much greater detail with dating of chinese SKS and factory codes.
mines a 1959 and it looks like it fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down before landing in a pile of crap. I didn't realize just how rough of shape mine was in until I started cleaning the cosmoline out of it so now it's a project gun to see if I can turn it into a evil black rifle(or this case OD green) with decent sights.
very nice. mine has a mismatched stock and handguard, the hanguard is rotting and looks like it was treated with creosote, the stock has whoever the last person that owned it's name scratched in it and shrunk while in storage so it's horribly fitted.
mine was $239 3 days after all the black rifles ran out and everyone else started asking $400+ for them. the shop even threw in one of their last boxes of ammo they had in stock...of course 20 rounds of x39 in a semi go up in smoke in the blink of an eye but it's a lot better than starting from scratch when everyone is sold out of bulk.
my area is kind of anti C&R. their prices are higher than the national average. I hadn't seen an SKS under $275 in almost a year. sporterized mausers and springfields are selling for ticket price. one shop that has had a model 1917 with a cracked handguard and worn parkerizing on their racks for a year has it listed for $800 and have refused to work on a price every time I've asked.

I guess that's just the danger that comes with the territory I suppose.
I moved back in august, but my old local gun shop didn't have very many C&R guns either, but the owner would let me look through his SOG catalog and pick guns out then he charged 10% for his fee and would order them for me. Great guy most other shops wouldnt let me see the catalog or would charge me 35%