How to tell the make of SKS?


Hey everybody, got a quick question. A friend of mine's dad passed away and left behind a bunch of guns, in amongst them are 3 SKSs. I know there's a difference in value between the Russian made and Chinese or Yukoslavian made ones. But I can't find marking of any kind on the outside of the guns. One does have a star on the stock but that's about it. How can I tell where these are from? Needless to say I know nothing about these. Any info is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!
My Russian SKS has the importer and "Made In Russia" stamped on the right side of the receiver above the trigger. I'd expect you'd see importer marks on the SKSes. Also on top of my Russian there's a big star with an arrow (indicating made by Tula Arsenal) and a date, 1954r.

If one has a big ol' grenade launcher up front it's a Yugo, a very common SKS.
Thanks for all the help guys. I'll see if I can get some pics to put up. Looks like at least one might be a Russian. The link is a great help. Thanks again!
Ussually the Chinese are the easiest to hence the Chinese symbols stamped on them..also the Russians because as stated earlier a lot have the Russian for the yugos you can tell them because of the grenade launcher lug
Most have a roll mark of some sort on them. Arsenal stampings if ex military, and commercial roll mark if commercial.