I heard a good one once whe a guy I know was arguing with an anti who wouldn't ever have a gun in the house. It went along the lines of "So you don't believe in guns, huh? Do you believe in God?"
Anti: "What does that have to do with anything?"
Gunner: "Well, I'll tell ya one thing for sure - when some jerk is kicking in your back door some dark night, you're going to do two things - you're going to call for a man with a gun to come save your butt, and you're going to pray to God that he gets there in time! You may die because you 'don't believe in guns' and won't take resposibility for your own safety. You won't fight for your own life, but you think some underpaid civil servant should do it for you, do I understand your position correctly???"
It left the anti just stammering on the verge of impoding/wetting himself. It was a joy to watch.