How to shop for a Remington 12 or 97?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I am looking for a general purpose (trap, h.d., hunting) Remington 12 or 97. Wood stock is the only requirement.

What vintages, sub-models, barrel and magazine options would you recommend, what prices to expect? Any likely flaws for which to watch?

Oleg "peacemonger" Volk
Oleg, I assume you're talking about the WINCHESTER Models 12 and 97. Both models have not been made in some time,so few are in new condition.

Lots of Model 12s were used as trap guns, and have fired many thousands of rounds. Occasionally,one turns up with excessive headspace. This can be fixed by a good smith building up the bolt with weld, then fitting it to the receiver.

There's no "Pre-64" cachet attached to any model or era,QC was good from start to finish.

Most older 12s or 97s have more drop to the stocks than we're used to, but replacement stocks are easily obtained.

Check for overall condition, bulged bbls and corrosion, of course.

Lots of these have the old Polychoke on the muzzle. Make sure all the "Petals" are there.
I have seen ads in Shotgun News for a reproduction of the Winchester 1897 shotgun (if you are looking for that) that is to be coming out at about this time (if the ad's claim is accurate and if there have been no setbacks).
Okay, I have the ad in front of me. It is called the Model 97 'Hammer Pump' and appears to have a 22" or 24" barrel. It is imported by Interstate Arms Corp. and is to be distributed by Valor Corp., Lew Horton Dist., Armchar Wholesale, Brazas Sporting Arms, Camfour, Inc., SDI, Ellet Bros., and Scott Wholesale.