How to Remove Occupiers

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New member
This article got me thinking:

Suppose you owned a vacant property that you did not occupy. One day you went to check on the property and it was "occupied" by six "protestors". You call the police to have the trespassers removed from the property only to find out the police have been told by the mayor to allow the protestors to stay there and to not interfere with them squatting on your property.

The protestors are creating a mess and causing vandalism to your property. You really don't want them there.

(Without getting all political and closing this thread) what would you do? How would you handle removing them without support from the local police? (or not)
They have virtually nothing to lose. You on the other hand, likely do, particularly if firearms are involved.

I can't see taking action yourself, and would likely contact a lawyer to consider actions against protestors and/or city.
I doubt their plan to use private property will be allowed by authorities, the ones "squatting" in foreclosed homes were "evicted", weren't they? And their plan to "defend" homeowners facing eviction will be "evicted" along with the former homeowner, as the lending institution has retaken the property for lack of payment on the mortgage.

Our local "occupy" movement has a FaceBook page (as I suppose most all do), and this past week, the city planned to move them off of city owned park land (sadly, my city leaders lack testicular fortitude). One of their members explained he wasn't out there in the camp, but was working behind the scenes as he feared he'd get violent when confronted by critics. (He also shared that he had been incarcerated for 12 years, fighting the "struggle" within the penal system).

But he proudly said that when it came to armed confrontation (and he assured us it would eventually), he'd be out there taking up arms. I cautioned him to remember that his fellow "occupy" members likely would be sort of challenged on which end of the firearm to pick up, and most certainly wouldn't own any of those "evil" guns.

But, the side they'd be battling against DO own guns and know how to use them.
People from the Occupy movement by and large do NOT occupy someone's "vacant" lot. They (we) want to be seen in public spaces. They (we) are merely trying to exercise our 1st Amendment Rights per the Constitution. I like ALL my Rights...1st, 2nd, etc.....
This might be a reasonable topic for the Law & Civil Rights subforum of TFL, but it's not on topic for the rest of the forum.
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