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How to Quote?


New member
OK, I hope this is the right place to post this... And my apologies if this is just too simple(!) I'm a fairly experienced forum user, but this is bugging me.

How the heck do I quote from a post? I've searched the forum, read the FAQ, and found references to a "Quick Reply button" -- but where do I find that? Thread replies that have no context, no apparent link to another post aren't much use to me, so I usually will include in my message at least a minimal quote from the message I'm replying to.
Highlight and "copy" (right click) the text you want to quote.
Click on the "Reply to Thread" button under the last post.
Paste the text you copied.
Highlight the text you just pasted and then click on the little yellow button that looks like a speech bubble above the box you're typing in.

Or you can click the speech bubble button, which inserts html commands in brackets
Paste your text between the bracketed commands.

Mods, please move to tech support subforum.
We, on the TFL Staff, have always maintained that making a thread into a "sticky" thread is the best way known to man to hide it! :)

Look up a few threads in this very forum and you should find one titled, "How do I quote from a post". Post #4 in that is very informative and includes some additional tips on making quotes even more useful.

I realize this was moved from a different forum, but for future reference, the Tech Support forum is always the first place to start when asking questions about posting, etc.
I hate to necro a thread, but cannot reply to the sticky:

What is the reasoning behind not adding a quote button on each post, or a multiquote system?

If I can illustrate why I want this, it is the difference between this:
OK, I hope this is the right place to post this... And my apologies if this is just too simple(!) I'm a fairly experienced forum user, but this is bugging me.

How the heck do I quote from a post? I've searched the forum, read the FAQ, and found references to a "Quick Reply button" -- but where do I find that? Thread replies that have no context, no apparent link to another post aren't much use to me, so I usually will include in my message at least a minimal quote from the message I'm replying to.

and this:
OK, I hope this is the right place to post this... And my apologies if this is just too simple(!) I'm a fairly experienced forum user, but this is bugging me.

How the heck do I quote from a post? I've searched the forum, read the FAQ, and found references to a "Quick Reply button" -- but where do I find that? Thread replies that have no context, no apparent link to another post aren't much use to me, so I usually will include in my message at least a minimal quote from the message I'm replying to.

Notice in my second quote, you can click the button next to the name PPBart and go to his post. To me, this is VERY valuable. Sometimes I jump into a thread on page 5, see a quote and want to trace it backwards. It allows me to gain context, without spending half an hour reading 5 pages of posts. It also allows you to quote a post that is not in the current thread, while allowing people to gain context by clicking to see the original post & thread.

For this second quote, I had to hand create the BBCode - there is no way that it can be done automatically using the WYSIWYG editor on these forums.
What is the reasoning behind not adding a quote button on each post, or a multiquote system?

Why? Because of Quotards.

What are Quotards?

Quotard - noun. A sub cretinous, mindless, moronic individual who, without caring in the least about who pays the bills for the forum, or for his fellow members, quotes massive strings of text just to add a vacuous comment such as "+1," "QFT," or something similar.

Simply put, people abused the quote button when it was here. So, instead of incessant threatening, cajoling, pleading, and the like, the quote button was removed.