How to pronounce Mosin Nagant?????


New member
Does anyone know the proper way to pronoun Mosin Nagant? Is it like, "mow-seen na-gaunt" or "mow-sin nah-gint" or "Moss-in nag-ent"?
Yep, mow-sin nah-gahnt. Those French guys always say things funny. Even though the rifle is Russian, the it was invented by a Frenchman.
Nemisis has it correct. I have a hard time keeping the 't' silent on Nagant when speaking. Old habits die hard...

I really used to abuse the name when I first was exposed to the rifle. I used to pronounce it MOE zun na GONT...:o
I worked for a French company for 23 years. It's spelled Saint-Gobain.. We called it "saynt go bayne" the French pronounce it " sahn gobahn".

The story of Moe Zinnagonnt:

"Hey, Charlie! Where's Moe?"

"...Moe's in Na Gahnt..."

"He's inna WHAT?!" :confused:

"...I said, Moe's in Na Gahnt!"

"Oh, po' Moe!" :eek:
Mr. Nagant was a 'Walloon', from the French-speaking part of Belgium.

The pronunciation is ka-BOOOOOM!! :eek:

Saw a photo of a Wehrmacht soldier carrying a 'damn commie gun', on foot on the Russian front, escorted by a small Panzer (tank).
He had a semi-auto Tokarev in his hands. They might not have had the Sturmgewehr at that time.
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Did you ever notice in the movie, Kelly's Heroes, that the sniper rifle used by the G.I. in the bell tower was a Mosin? Considering, the scene took place on the Western front, I have always wondered about that.
It's pronounced "muzzle flash"!!!

Sergei Ivanovich Mosin was Russian. Léon Nagant was Belgian.

MO-seen nah-GON (with the "GON" heavily nasal).

Of course, in the United States, you will most commonly hear it simply called "MO-zin", or "MO-zin na-GONT". Not exactly correct, but resonably close enough as an anglicized version of the original.


P. S. - That's a friend of mine shooting my 1944 carbine. They're KNOWN for that dramatic muzzle flash.
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