How to Process a Mangy Hide


If you shoot an animal and find that it is severely infected with mange, to the point that the entire surface of the skin is scabbed (and pretty gross), but no hair loss yet, is there any way to salvage the hide and tan it?
Personally I wouldn't even touch an animal with obvious signs of mange. Plus if youre tanning this hide for sale I'm not sure how many people would purchase the hide.
A. Dig hole in remote area.
B. Place mangy carcass in hole.
C. Cover hole and tamp lightly to discourage other critters from digging up mangy carcass and infecting themselves.
Actually, we usually don't touch/move mangy critters. If it has to be moved, we use a piece of string or light rope and leave the rope with the carcass.
A. Dig hole in remote area.
B. Place mangy carcass in hole.
C. Cover hole and tamp lightly to discourage other critters from digging up mangy carcass and infecting themselves.

You forgot "D. Pee all over the disturbed dirt to further deter other critters from digging, or even hanging around."