How to organize a company shooting club?


New member
Hey, Microsoft has a gun club, Boeing has a gun club. I don't see why my workplace, which has more than a few shooters/hunters, shouldn't have one - Any hints out there?
Yes. Get a leader to volunteer - and you're it. Talk to the folks at your work to see if there is sufficient interest to even persue this. If you find adequate support, get additonal volunteers to help you out.

Divide the work load into categories like, membership drives, range slection, RKBA efforts, treasurer, and maybe a small "board" to make the high level decisions like "how often will we organize a shoot?", "where will we have the next shoot?", "what type of shooting competitions will we have?", etc.

Just get busy and things will unfold from there.


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

CMOS's Site
Talk to your HR department about it as a means of promoting morale and team spirit at work, see if the company will spring for some nice shirts or something. Official recognition lends legitimacy, so you'll be the official company shooting sports club, not those gun nuts that hang out at the water cooler.