HOW TO KILL ANYONE! This is good for felons who can't own a gun!

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No need to shoot them. Get a fire extinquiser and fill it with gasoline then pressurize it. No need to worry about cops wearing bullet proof vests either. Also, it works around corners, incapacitates totally and instantly and multiple targets can be "sprayed" at once. Then too, you don't need a lisence or permit to own one and, if your a felon already, there are no laws that can be used against you for carrying a gun.

We had a Highway patrolman shot here in California yesterday. He survived because he had on a bullet proof vest. If the guy doing the shooting had used gasoline there would have been one dead cop despite the bullet proof vest.

Basically, the point is that if you are bent on killing, you don't need a gun and a bullet proof vest provides little security in this case.

Hey! as a desperate criminal you could even rig your car so that when an officer approaches he gets sprayed with gas........poof! end of problem.

All we need is for Hollywood to start glorifying this kind of thing just like they glorify the use of guns/killing or violence and before you know it, every punk, criminal or no good low life will be using gasoline to attack and kill whomever. Where there's a will, and an idea, there's a way! Gun or no gun! What are they going to do then? Ban gasoline?
Don't have a fire extingisher? No problemo... Just use your everyday sprayer for weeds and fert. Just make sure it's a metal one.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
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