How to hunt rabbit?


New member
Does anyone know of any web sites where i can tips on hunting rabbits. I just bought my son a Remington 597 and once he gets confortable with the gun I plan on taking him rabbit hunting. Since my hunting experiences are very limited I would like to do some studying before I take him. Any help is appreciated.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
Stand really still and make a noise like a wounded carrot.

Seriously, I just plugged "rabbit hunting" into Google ( ) and came up with nearly 22K hits. One of them should have what you're looking for. Never having stalked the wily fuzzball, I can't say.
Lee, keep on with your project{despite the levity from the FL experts !!) is well worthwhile.

A piece of rabbitty land will be needed, and the hunting odessy begins!

Watch your backstops and richochets and try 15M before 50m shots.

But have safe will last him long after you and I are gone from the world.

Best wishes from Oz...[we have a few bunnies down here too.]

(I suggest in a few years the consideration of the legal purchase of a semi-auto .22RF, some Wichester SUB-SONICS ......and a supressor!!!)Good stuff...

***Big Bunny***
Thanks Big bunny,
What would be the best ammo for rabbit in 22LR.
Is there a method to Rabbit hunting or do you just be vewy vewy qwuite until you find one and then BLAM!!
Forgive my humor but as you can see I am very new to hunting. Defensive and target shooting are my experiences so far.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
As was said, find a rabitty area. In early morning or late afternoon, sitting and watching as they move around to feed is good. A moving bunny is easier to see than a sitting-still bunny.

Walking-hunting is more fun, but it means a shot at a running bunny. The problem there is that the bunny doesn't know where he's going next, either. If you're in country where ricochets are not a problem, a semi-auto can be helpful.

I've used CCI mini-mag to good effect. I recently bout some "Quik-Shok" ammo, and did in a rock-squirrel. Impressive exit-wound for a .22 rimfire.

I'd suggest trying various high-speed hollow-points until you find the one which gives you the smallest 5-shot groups. I gues sighting in for dead-on at 50 yards is reasonable, and basically stay with the 15-yard to 25-yard shots until he gets a good bit of skill...

Hope this helps, Art

The method that I've used successfully for years is to walk to flush them, then when they move, stop quickly and just watch and listen where they go. Don't move until you don't hear any more movement from the bunny. Then creep in that direction carefully, looking for it. It may bolt again, but the trick is to pinpoint where it stops and stalk somewhat around that area while watching for where it is. You'll eventually get good at seeing them, if they haven't gone to ground. Usually, if they aren't far from the burrow, the second time they run, they'll make a beeline for home. The first time they run is usually a panic bolt to get away from you.
Rabbits do help.

We do the spot/stalk bit as you would for still-hunting deer or elk. It's as fun (to me) as big game, in it's own way/similarities without a lot of the big game hassles + it develops very good over all hunting techniques/skills.

Sighted dead-on at 50yds with what shoots best. Go for head shots & it doesn't matter one bit what bullet/load you use. Even .22 shorts will take out a rabbit/50 yds/head shot. + that also develops the "always shoot at a dime" mentality for good shot placement.
Lost more rabbits than I care to have by shooting them in the heart/lung area. Had too many dive into their holes & croak.

You'll kick up plenty that you never see before they run & that too provides for some snap shooting - another good practical exercise.
I 'hunt' rabbits in the backyard ... I'm the first line of defense for our landscaping.

Head shots are most humane, IMHO. In my experience, and with a side view, aim for just behind and just below the eye. That must hit the base of the brain, because they drop over like a rock, even with an air rifle.

Jackrabbits here in the west are a real challenge. Those guys take off like a shot, and then make a quick dodge to the right or left just before they stop ... always to hide behind a bush. The cottontails seem much easier ... their natural reaction after an initial run seems to be 'freezing' in place. Facilitates an accurate and humane shot.

Bunnies in the wild should be good eating as well. I avoid it in the city, due to the likelihood of lawn chemicals in their bodies. The skins are pretty handy as well.

I did find a web site you'll enjoy

If you go to a used book store, you should be able to find a book or two on hunting that also discusses rabbits.

Have fun. Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 20, 2000).]
When I was younger and my dad took me rabbit hunting, which he did all his life because he came from a very poor family and they had rabbit to survive on in the winter time, but we would go to a field and just walk through and jump rabbits out of their holes and shoot them as they was running, this was very successful for us, always came home with our limits. But I also know that rabbit is something that has alot of worms and it has to freeze real hard to get rid of them, so we would never go hunting for rabbit until after the first freeze of the season.

leedesert, I'd be very careful about taking rabbit hunting advice from someone calling themselves Big Bunny. I suspect it may be a twisted, deviant trick designed to lure the unsuspecting would be rabbit hunter into the field only to be pounced upon by the worlds largest, most ferocious rabbit and beaten to within an inch of their life..


TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
Gunslinger, I think you've watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" once too many times.

Also, leedesert, one priority you'll have when "picking" ammo is reliability. I wouldn't say this, but the 597 is an auto, it will definately like one kind of ammo over another. Hopefully, it will like the most accurate.

[This message has been edited by Hueco (edited April 21, 2000).]