How to handle cosmetic changes to NFA item


New member
I just recently bought a pair of RDIAS.

While in my wait period, I am going to have the dealer send the sears out to an authorized person to be polished and cleaned. The authorized person said that the sears will look almost brand new when I get them back.

My understanding is that the ATF takes pictures of NFA items, so as to identify the item in the future.

My question is that do I need to notify the ATF of this action? My concern is that the ATF will look at the polished sears and declare them to be different sears.

I am going to have my dealer call the ATF for an opinion, but I was wondering if anyone has had personal experience with this issue.
I had a dealer tell me that ATF has requested pictures of a machine gun for clarification and identification of the item. Not the first time I heard this. It doesn't happen to every NFA item, but it happens sometimes.

I know serial numbers are on the RDIAS, as I've seen them. My understanding is that sometimes ATF asks for pics so that they can identify a specific item, so that for example, you can't lose an item, like a sear, then try to recreate the sear and just engrave the old number on the new sear and pass it off as the original.

That's just what I've been told. I have no first hand knowledge on this issue.
I'm not sure why you would want to polish or refinish a DIAS. It's an internal part. It doesn't affect the feel of the trigger. It either works or doesn't work. Any metal taken off of the DIAS means that it could be potentially loose in a different receiver. It's sort of like sending an auto-sear out for a fluff 'n buff. Seems strange to me, that's all.
I had a dealer tell me that ATF has requested pictures of a machine gun for clarification and identification of the item.

I've never heard that before. The serial number is the only way to reliably identify the weapon, and they will have that information.
All those "identifying marks" could be easily removed during routine cleaning or maintenance/refinishing. Using anything other than the make, model and serial number would be folly. Why don't you ask the ATF, if you don't believe us?
BTW- you can't polish without removing material. If someone tells you they can, they are liars or fools.